Kentucky Violations, Agrees to Vacate Wins

I don't like any team having to vacate wins, even Kensucky. It's a slap in the face to fanbases and everyone else who played in those games. Punish the coaches, wherever they are, for their wrongdoings, but don't punish the fanbases or the players. Rewriting history isn't the answer.
How would you suggest doing that then?
To clarify— Leach does not get the win but the loss is removed from his record!
I don't think that is correct. I think vacating only effects records relating to the school doing the vacating and its current staff, does it not? (As in, if I were using the same school - Kentucky - and they had to vacate wins from the 2011 season, Derek Dooley's head coaching record would still remain 31-40, not change to 31-39)
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Huh? Were people calling that their second 10+ win season? They had another 2 10+ win seasons (1950 and 1977) before Stoops even got there for that first 2018 10-3 season under him.
sorry it should have read "So much for that 2nd 10 win season for UK since 1977"
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This has been discussed for the last 20 years, vacating a win does not provide a W in the win column for the other team.
How would you suggest doing that then?
Just punish the coaches and other wrongdoers to the extent that future people in those positions wouldn't dream of doing the same thing. It's unfair to punish the fanbases and the rest of the teams. So, an 'ineligible' player takes one snap and the team forfeits the victory? That seems absurd. Yet, if you apply that punishment if a player played the whole game and scored 8 TDs, you have to apply it for one snap. Same if it was just one player or half the team. Just make it where coaches are afraid to do it or they lose their careers. They'll stop.
Just punish the coaches and other wrongdoers to the extent that future people in those positions wouldn't dream of doing the same thing. It's unfair to punish the fanbases and the rest of the teams. So, an 'ineligible' player takes one snap and the team forfeits the victory? That seems absurd. Yet, if you apply that punishment if a player played the whole game and scored 8 TDs, you have to apply it for one snap. Same if it was just one player or half the team. Just make it where coaches are afraid to do it or they lose their careers. They'll stop.
Eh stoops should have lost his job along time ago
Any chance these players get charged with timesheet fraud? Or the knucklehead who signed the checks?

I’m sure it’s hard to prove who knew the kids were not there working. You’d end up getting some low level manager fired for doing what he was told, and he wouldn’t even know what the firing was about.
But the loss is erased if I'm not mistaken.
Type is the type of adjustment:
  • F = Forfeit A forfeit changes a school's original win or tie into a loss and its opponent's original loss or tie into a win.
  • V = Vacated A vacated game is expunged from a school's record, although its opponent's record is not changed.
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