Kissinger died

Henry Kissinger, the German-born American diplomat, academic and presidential adviser who served as secretary of state for two presidents and left his stamp on U.S. foreign policy for decades died Wednesday at the age of 100.

A statement released by Kissinger Associates said Kissinger died Wednesday at his home in Connecticut.

Kissinger was both revered and controversial, praised by supporters as a brilliant strategist and condemned by critics as a master manipulator.

He pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, began a rapprochement with China and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for negotiating the Paris Peace Accords to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

Imagine thinking you are smarter than him. Imagine not understanding that his job was What's best for the US. He was widely successful. Doesn't mean he was 100% right. There is a reason he was heavy player for damn near 60 years regardless of political party.
“Carpet bombing civilians in Cambodia was actually what’s best; after all, look how long he stayed politically active” is a bad argument
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“Carpet bombing civilians in Cambodia was actually what’s best; after all, look how long he stayed politically active” is a bad argument
Are you saying he ordered the bombings? Or was the only person advocating the bombings and was so powerful the President and military rolled along the lines of “Well, Kissinger said…” and no one dared to discuss or question him? If so, I would go along with the notion he was one of the most dangerous men in American history.

But I don’t believe that to be the case and this take is childishly simplistic. Bad things have been done as the result of poor and/or deliberate decisions throughout history. For example, should we condemn FDR, full stop, for the fire bombing Dresden? I intensely dislike FDR, but I am not that stupid and I believe the fire bombings were utterly horrible actions deserving condemnation.

Grow up. Study the events and let’s do what we can to prevent such things from happening again.
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Are you saying he ordered the bombings? Or was the only person advocating the bombings and was so powerful the President and military rolled along the lines of “Well, Kissinger said…” and no one dared to discuss or question him? If so, I would go along with the notion he was one of the most dangerous men in American history.

But I don’t believe that to be the case and this take is childishly simplistic. Bad things have been done as the result of poor and/or deliberate decisions throughout history. For example, should we condemn FDR, full stop, for the fire bombing Dresden? I intensely dislike FDR, but I am not that stupid and I believe the fire bombings were utterly horrible actions deserving condemnation.

Grow up. Study the events and let’s do what we can to prevent such things from happening again.
When some of the worst atrocities in recent memory happen on your watch, weird to get defensive like VFH did when anyone points that out 🤷🏾‍♂️ if you want to absolve him of all responsibility you’re welcome to

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