
Yall are so programed to reject the least bit of negativety that yall freak out and find it when it's not there. Basicly all I said is that Knecht is good and he will be game planned differently moving forward.
The last couple years our guys were scared to make a single mistake (turnover, foul, dumb shot) because Barnes would take them out almost instantaneously.
Well you said this also?
Yall are so programed to reject the least bit of negativety that yall freak out and find it when it's not there. Basicly all I said is that Knecht is good and he will be game planned differently moving forward.
I think my record will show that I will be critical when criticism is deserved. No pre-programming here. My comment was more general in nature than specific to this particular rant you're on.

You, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to impress and slow to give praise. is what it is. Maybe you should take note of how many people share that opinion of you in this forum.
I think my record will show that I will be critical when criticism is deserved. No pre-programming here. My comment was more general in nature than specific to this particular rant you're on.

You, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to impress and slow to give praise. is what it is. Maybe you should take note of how many people share that opinion of you in this forum.
I am slow to give praise. I'm seen this thing go south too many times. You didn't miss on that observation. I'm also not gonna get on here and act like Wisconsin is a great team like some will. It is a very good win in a very difficult place to play. I got hammered for saying that I wasn't all that impressed with their defense. Funny thing is their coach went on and on about how poorly they played defensively and how out of character it was in his press conference.
It was probably more game planning than performance. They were just letting Knecht iso and take a smaller defender right to the basket in the first half. It's like they didn't respect him. He is not gonna see this moving forward. That's what I meant earlier. Somebody is about to be wide open when he gets the ball.
I’ve liked more than one of your posts but you’re reaching for something to be “real” about. K’nech’ed has shown ability to score in multiple facets and to this point has been a stud on the offensive side. Pick on the D.. you’ll get NO push back from me. But that’s why he came here, to get better on D
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I’ve liked more than one of your posts but your reaching for something to be “real” about. K’nech’ed has shown ability to score in multiple facets and to this point has been a stud on the offensive side. Pick on the D.. you’ll get NO push back from me. But that’s why he came here, to get better on D
I should clear something up. When I said it was more game planning than performance I was referring to Wisconsin's defense not Knecht's performance. It was lights out. They let him just take smaller guys to the basket on iso over and over. He is way too good to not bring help.
I should clear something up. When I said it was more game planning than performance I was referring to Wisconsin's defense not Knecht's performance. It was lights out. They let him just take smaller guys to the basket on iso over and over. He is way too good to not bring help.
Gotcha. Just seems like something more suited for a Whisky board than here. I’m more worried about the minutes and the beating his body can take than what the other team didn’t game plan to stop him.
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I have zero concerns with Knecht. At Northern Colorado he was by far their best player which every team game planned for. I get it, the level of competition was different but his teammates were atrocious. He belongs and will be prepared for whatever is thrown at him. We need Vescovi to hit his stride, make sure we keep Aidoo/Awaka busy enough in the post and need to get Dilione comfortable early in the season, and teach through his defensive mistakes. In this offense which spreads the court, Dilione has the potential to be another punch off the bench.

Gainey deserves a ton of credit. I expected Knecht to be a difference maker but Gainey has greatly exceeded expectations. He is more than just a shooter. He can create a shot, can drive, can facilitate, and can defend. He deserves 20 minutes per game, minimum, despite having a crowded backcourt. A rock solid college player.
Gotcha. Just seems like something more suited for a Whisky board than here. I’m more worried about the minutes and the beating his body can take than what the other team didn’t game plan to stop him.
The comment originated from the response when I said I wasn't impressed with Wisconsin's defense. Of course the sunshine pumpers went off and started to go on and on about how great Wisconsin's defense is. Normally they are a good defensive team but not this game. But, hey, we are harder to guard right now than we have been in a long time.
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I’ll look back on JJJ’s time here as a great example of how to live life in the moment. I’m not sure I can recall a player making more out of every second. I have no idea whether his body will prove durable enough for the pros, but what an incredible contributor and teammate. Behind the scenes, he’s put both Jefferson and J Phillips back on track, showed up for ZZ daily during recovery, and spent a large chunk of time making Gainey and Knecht feel welcome. This kid continues to play unselfishly, play team defense and show up outside practice again and again. I genuinely hope he has a healthy season. If so, I think we’re going to see big growth in his offensive game. I know that has been promised before, but this is the first stretch on healthy knees since the end of his junior season.

JJJ does not get enough credit for what he brings to the program and some of the posts made about him at the end of last season and when he returned were pathetic and classless.
The comment originated from the response when I said I wasn't impressed with Wisconsin's defense. Of course the sunshine pumpers went off and started to go on and on about how great Wisconsin's defense is. Normally they are a good defensive team but not this game. But, hey, we are harder to guard right now than we have been in a long time.

I think you are onto something which, frankly, probably explains the reactions you often get to your posts

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