Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Only if you admit that donations to the Church help to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and provide help to the orphan and widow.
Or alternatively, admit that liberal “charitable” donations often go to overtly political activist organizations like BLM, the ACLU, and the SPLC that don’t do a darn thing to fill a single empty belly
it has also been outed that BLM was just making the organizers rich, as they were pocketing all of the funds lol.. I also worked for United Way, and they had their scandals as well lol.. you are better off giving to a local church where you know the folks and you can actually see proof of what they are doing.. or just go donate your time somewhere, giving of yourself and your talents..
Since we are still fighting, I will throw out another tangent, this falls under charitable giving’.. I worked in assisted living and in long term care many years, and have seen countless church groups of all varieties and religious school kids come in and read and talk to the residents, and have yet to see anyone with piercings, purple hair, BLM t shirts doing any of this in 15 years.. that, my friends, is the stuff that truly matters
The left (and unfortunately a large percentage of the right now) thinks you save people by registering them to vote and changing their political and economic system. The True Church tries to save people by leading them to Peace and reconciliation with their Maker.
I am a conservative politically, but i very aware of the fact that even if every political race and policy decision was decided in the direction I favored; even if all 535 members of Congress, the Presidency and every elected office at the state level were filled with Republicans; the world would still be filled with broken people (myself included) desperately in need of a savior. Politics is seductive because it is “easy” by comparison to the hard but simple work of feeding the poor and preaching the Good News.
Man doesn’t have a political or economic problem. Man has a sin problem. I have to remind myself of that daily or I lose focus and waste my time on pointless political arguments like I have done here 😖
The left (and unfortunately a large percentage of the right now) thinks you save people by registering them to vote and changing their political and economic system. The True Church tries to save people by leading them to Peace and reconciliation with their Maker.
I am a conservative politically, but i very aware of the fact that even if every political race and policy decision was decided in the direction I favored; even if all 535 members of Congress, the Presidency and every elected office at the state level were filled with Republicans; the world would still be filled with broken people (myself included) desperately in need of a savior. Politics is seductive because it is “easy” by comparison to the hard but simple work of feeding the poor and preaching the Good News.
Man doesn’t have a political or economic problem. Man has a sin problem. I have to remind myself of that daily or I lose focus and waste my time on pointless political arguments like I have done here 😖
I think you are right, ‘I voted x, so I’m off the hook’ lol
Feed America First, and Second Harvest, those are good ones, my son and I go pack the boxes at the warehouse as volunteer work during the summer a few times, it’s also hard work and you sweat your a$$ off 😂 but I think they are good organizations
Sure they can, but If they put their money where their mouth is, we wouldn’t be having this discussion

Sure we would. You live in a world of stereotypes and fail to acknowledge what doesn't fit in your boxes. I know hot lesbians. I know people with purple hair that attend church regularly and give generously to charitable causes. I know people with piercings who are among the most giving. Think MCs.
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Typical southern Christian.

"Have fun at the drag show. You'll just go to hell for it later."

If I'm wrong and all that sh*t is real, don't be sad or surprised when we're in the sulfur jacuzzi together.
I'll save you spot on the lava-flume ride.
You guys really like that whole touched a nerve thing when you've done nothing of the sort. It's a weird flex.
Okay, whatever dude.. I was just sharing my experiences, just as you do lol; hence I prefaced it with being ‘anecdotal’ lol
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It's amazing how Fox can continue to conjure up one Boogeyman after another and all of these "manly men with their guns" lap it up.

Do we have any gay Islamic transvestites with AIDS in the latest caravan from central America?
Why would you make light of such a person if they existed? I thought you were all about tolerance and inclusion? Why are you making fun of people in the queer community?
Why would you make light of such a person if they existed? I thought you were all about tolerance and inclusion? Why are you making fun of people in the queer community?

How is that your interpretation of what they said? Pretty clearly making fun of people’s fear of them IMO

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