The left (and unfortunately a large percentage of the right now) thinks you save people by registering them to vote and changing their political and economic system. The True Church tries to save people by leading them to Peace and reconciliation with their Maker.
I am a conservative politically, but i very aware of the fact that even if every political race and policy decision was decided in the direction I favored; even if all 535 members of Congress, the Presidency and every elected office at the state level were filled with Republicans; the world would still be filled with broken people (myself included) desperately in need of a savior. Politics is seductive because it is “easy” by comparison to the hard but simple work of feeding the poor and preaching the Good News.
Man doesn’t have a political or economic problem. Man has a sin problem. I have to remind myself of that daily or I lose focus and waste my time on pointless political arguments like I have done here