Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Yes. And the entire spiritual benefit of giving away things to the poor is that one CHOOSES to do so. The Government confiscating goods and redistributing goods removes the ability to gain the spiritual blessings gained by surrendering. You can’t give away what has already been taken from you.
Of course, but those who follow that tend to be by US standards far left.
Hmm, I'd like to dig deeper on that. Charities helping who, poor people or Jimmy Swaggart, Joel Osteen, etc.?
The original point was that yes a religious far left does exist in the US. Those who reject materialism and emphasize helping the poor are in my experience pretty far left.
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Hmm, I'd like to dig deeper on that. Charities helping who, poor people or Jimmy Swaggart, Joel Osteen, etc.?
The original point was that yes a religious far left does exist in the US. Those who reject materialism and emphasize helping the poor are in my experience pretty far left.
Nah, on a grassroots, albeit anecdotal level, the neighborhood organizers of collect coats, school supplies, canned goods are the Christian mommies of the neighborhood, the libs just do lip service and b!tch about everything
Nah, on a grassroots, albeit anecdotal level, the neighborhood organizers of collect coats, school supplies, canned goods are the Christian mommies of the neighborhood, the libs just do lip service and b!tch about everything

Not true. I have operated a charity for the past 4 years and have "adopted" more than 1500 kids for Christmas over that time. I am pretty sure I have not been accused of being a Christian mommy.
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Nah, on a grassroots, albeit anecdotal level, the neighborhood organizers of collect coats, school supplies, canned goods are the Christian mommies of the neighborhood, the libs just do lip service and b!tch about everything
Check out the Clinton foundation. Reputable bunch of d bags that need dollars.
Remove donations to the church and then discuss.
Only if you admit that donations to the Church help to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and provide help to the orphan and widow.
Or alternatively, admit that liberal “charitable” donations often go to overtly political activist organizations like BLM, the ACLU, and the SPLC that don’t do a darn thing to fill a single empty belly
Also, for every one big box store church a la Osteen, there are about 75 that do good works.. the church my mom attends downtown Boro feeds and shelters the homeless during the week.. our church has been paying people’s electricity bills this year inter that are in need.. you are just not supposed to go around bragging about things like that, that’s not what good deeds are
Also, for every one big box store church a la Osteen, there are about 75 that do good works.. the church my mom attends downtown Boro feeds and shelters the homeless during the week.. our church has been paying people’s electricity bills this year inter that are in need.. you are just not supposed to go around bragging about things like that, that’s not what good deeds are
Agree. I am not even sure I would call what Osteen leads as a “church” at all anyway. One has to at least occasionally talk about Christ to qualify as a member of the Church (with a big C signifying the body of true believers)
Also, for every one big box store church a la Osteen, there are about 75 that do good works.. the church my mom attends downtown Boro feeds and shelters the homeless during the week.. our church has been paying people’s electricity bills this year inter that are in need.. you are just not supposed to go around bragging about things like that, that’s not what good deeds are

Your numbers aren't what any objective mind would call 'accurate.'

You're wildly underestimating the volume and magnitude of megachurches.
Also, for every one big box store church a la Osteen, there are about 75 that do good works.. the church my mom attends downtown Boro feeds and shelters the homeless during the week.. our church has been paying people’s electricity bills this year inter that are in need.. you are just not supposed to go around bragging about things like that, that’s not what good deeds are

Well that's all fine and dandy but how many sex change operations have they paid for?
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Please feel free to get ****ed.

Implying that megachurches barely exist and don't suck the tax exempt tit is nonsense.
I made no such implication that mega churches barely exist. Please provide the quote of mine to back up your assertion.
You are quite the lazy and ineffective debater you know.
And when you are asked for supporting evidence, all you have are profanity related personal insults.
Really, please either up your game or else don’t bother playing. You are embarrassing yourself on a regular basis.
I made no such implication that mega churches barely exist. Please provide the quote of mine to back up your assertion.
You are quite the lazy and ineffective debater you know.
And when you are asked for supporting evidence, all you have are profanity related personal insults.
Really, please either up your game or else don’t bother playing. You are embarrassing yourself on a regular basis.

She was the one implying and making unsubstantiated claims, so it's not on me to do the homework.

Keep up or shut up.
Since we are still fighting, I will throw out another tangent, this falls under charitable giving’.. I worked in assisted living and in long term care many years, and have seen countless church groups of all varieties and religious school kids come in and read and talk to the residents, and have yet to see anyone with piercings, purple hair, BLM t shirts doing any of this in 15 years.. that, my friends, is the stuff that truly matters
Only if you admit that donations to the Church help to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and provide help to the orphan and widow.
Or alternatively, admit that liberal “charitable” donations often go to overtly political activist organizations like BLM, the ACLU, and the SPLC that don’t do a darn thing to fill a single empty belly

What percentage of church donations actually make it outside the four walls of the church?
Since we are still fighting, I will throw out another tangent, this falls under charitable giving’.. I worked in assisted living and in long term care many years, and have seen countless church groups of all varieties and religious school kids come in and read and talk to the residents, and have yet to see anyone with piercings, purple hair, BLM t shirts doing any of this in 15 years.. that, my friends, is the stuff that truly matters
Ps have also never seen the mythical hot lesbians there either lol
Since we are still fighting, I will throw out another tangent, this falls under charitable giving’.. I worked in assisted living and in long term care many years, and have seen countless church groups of all varieties and religious school kids come in and read and talk to the residents, and have yet to see anyone with piercings, purple hair, BLM t shirts doing any of this in 15 years.. that, my friends, is the stuff that truly matters

Again, you make a lot of generalizations. People with purple hair and piercings can't be religious or giving?

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