"B. Athletics Committee. Membership shall consist of twelve faculty members appointed to two-year staggered terms. Ex-officio members shall include the chief campus administrative officer charged with academic affairs (or designee), the Director of Athletics, the Director of Women's Athletics, the faculty chairperson of the UT Athletics Board, the Director of Student Recreation, two student athletes appointed by the Athletics Department, and two students elected by the Student Senate. The Committee will also include the following non-voting ex-officio members: the Director of the Thornton Advising Center, the Associate Director of Women's Athletics Compliance, the Associate Director of Men's Athletics Compliance. The Committee on Nominations and Appointments shall appoint the Chairperson of the Athletics Committee for a one-year term.
This committee shall concern itself with academic aspects of intercollegiate athletics as well as the intramural athletics program. It may also concern itself with any other athletics matters which the committee deems appropriate and which lie within the purview of the Faculty Senate."
Interesting that the 12 faculty members outnumber all other members of the committee.