KNS: UT athletics board should reopen its meetings to public

What I take away from the articles I've read is that this "Board" is really just an advisory board. So, I guess the logical question is why would they care if the media/public attended. Further, not keeping the minutes? As much as keeping the minutes promotes transparency with the public, it also serves to cover the Board's collective butt.

Something smells.
If the Football Program were currently winning, how many of you wouldn't care how the AD controlled funding? Reading the varied and often times, shall we say, slightly nonsensical views expressed by the fanbase, I can see why the AD would have a legitimate interest in how information about its workings are disseminated. If Sunshine Laws are violated that is a judicial issue and the courts should address the problem, but I can see how the AD would want to use some discretion.
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Board of Trustees bylaws which establish open meetings in accordance with Sushine laws.
"B. Athletics Committee. Membership shall consist of twelve faculty members appointed to two-year staggered terms. Ex-officio members shall include the chief campus administrative officer charged with academic affairs (or designee), the Director of Athletics, the Director of Women's Athletics, the faculty chairperson of the UT Athletics Board, the Director of Student Recreation, two student athletes appointed by the Athletics Department, and two students elected by the Student Senate. The Committee will also include the following non-voting ex-officio members: the Director of the Thornton Advising Center, the Associate Director of Women's Athletics Compliance, the Associate Director of Men's Athletics Compliance. The Committee on Nominations and Appointments shall appoint the Chairperson of the Athletics Committee for a one-year term.
This committee shall concern itself with academic aspects of intercollegiate athletics as well as the intramural athletics program. It may also concern itself with any other athletics matters which the committee deems appropriate and which lie within the purview of the Faculty Senate."

Interesting that the 12 faculty members outnumber all other members of the committee.
"B. Athletics Committee. Membership shall consist of twelve faculty members appointed to two-year staggered terms. Ex-officio members shall include the chief campus administrative officer charged with academic affairs (or designee), the Director of Athletics, the Director of Women's Athletics, the faculty chairperson of the UT Athletics Board, the Director of Student Recreation, two student athletes appointed by the Athletics Department, and two students elected by the Student Senate. The Committee will also include the following non-voting ex-officio members: the Director of the Thornton Advising Center, the Associate Director of Women's Athletics Compliance, the Associate Director of Men's Athletics Compliance. The Committee on Nominations and Appointments shall appoint the Chairperson of the Athletics Committee for a one-year term.
This committee shall concern itself with academic aspects of intercollegiate athletics as well as the intramural athletics program. It may also concern itself with any other athletics matters which the committee deems appropriate and which lie within the purview of the Faculty Senate."

Interesting that the 12 faculty members outnumber all other members of the committee.

Doesn't that reflect that the primary function of the University is education not sports entertainment?
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I'm not a big fan of the media since they are usually left wing & lie but I don't think 18 people need to be sneaking around doing things in secret that affect so many people. They need to be accountable, especially after the train wreck our athletic dept has been the last 6-8 years!

So, who do you trust in the media? Nobody?
These are government employees dispensing government money. They're in charge of a department that has been deeply dysfunctional for a decade. This is why sunshine laws exist.

Exactly I am pretty sure that since they are paid by our state tax dollars they have to keep these meetings open. The TBoR may have something to do with this as well. That's why the sunshine law exists.
Chairman hopes slimmed-down UT athletics board will be more relevant » GoVolsXtra

“I’ve been the faculty athletics representative since May 2012, and I’ve chaired one meeting (of the athletics board),” Bruce said. “The highlight of that meeting was that we actually took a vote on something (to retire Johnny Majors’ jersey), and that hadn’t been done in some time.

“Now the chancellor or (athletic director) Dave Hart is able to say, ‘Let me run that by the board.’ ”

Doesnt sound like they're making too many life changing decisions here.
Chairman hopes slimmed-down UT athletics board will be more relevant » GoVolsXtra

“I’ve been the faculty athletics representative since May 2012, and I’ve chaired one meeting (of the athletics board),” Bruce said. “The highlight of that meeting was that we actually took a vote on something (to retire Johnny Majors’ jersey), and that hadn’t been done in some time.

“Now the chancellor or (athletic director) Dave Hart is able to say, ‘Let me run that by the board.’ ”

Doesnt sound like they're making too many life changing decisions here.

Possibly what they are trying to hide, they do not do anything while in the meetings except b.s. and then go have a nice dinner and some drinks on our dime.
I disagree with this article. It sounds like the complaint is really about control. We've hired people to do the job and need to give them freedom to do it without outsiders politicking for their own opinions. This kind of desired control handcuffs leaders from being creative and making needed changes. Changes are needed in every organization in order to go to the next level. They aren't always popular, but if it moves UT athletics forward, then it's the right thing. If it doesn't work, their job can be on the line.

Cheek sighting!
We here on VN have LOTS of opinions.....

We have minimal info, but stilll know EVERYTHING....

p.s...... it won't change.!.!
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Possibly what they are trying to hide, they do not do anything while in the meetings except b.s. and then go have a nice dinner and some drinks on our dime.

Maybe they hold their meetings at a golf course in Florida.

Strange that a board which claimed to be largely ceremonial less than a year ago would shut down access to the point that now a newspaper is complaining about it. Something is odd.
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I'm sure the KNS would love for these meetings to be open - more for them to report on.

I'm not convinced making the meetings public would have a positive impact on their decisions. They want success just as bad as the fans do - why complicate matters by introducing the "fan approval factor" into their decision process?
I'm sure the KNS would love for these meetings to be open - more for them to report on.

I'm not convinced making the meetings public would have a positive impact on their decisions. They want success just as bad as the fans do - why complicate matters by introducing the "fan approval factor" into their decision process?

Chicago politicians would love to hear this. You can't ever trust politics of any kind. Obviously, somebody doesn't like that writers are meddling in their politics.
Chicago politicians would love to hear this. You can't ever trust politics of any kind. Obviously, somebody doesn't like that writers are meddling in their politics.

The UTAB is just a touch different than local politics.
The UTAB is just a touch different than local politics.

It's just a bickering committee that gets nothing done aka local politics. If the people who worked at UT over the last few years cared about it, we wouldn't be in such a hole. The UTAB is out for themselves and their own agendas.
If they are hiding it then it's either illegal , unethical or they are incompetent thus not wanting anyone to know.
So I am no legal expert but I do serve on a local municipal board so I know a little bit about how this works.

Our meetings must be advertised and open to the public. However we have workshops once or twice per year that are closed. The workshops can be closed because what we discuss in those meetings is not binding. If we propose a change to the city ordinance that change has to be approved by the city council in a public meeting.

So perhaps these meetings can be closed because nothing they discuss is binding until approved by the university? That is my thinking on how this would not violate the sunshine laws.
Maybe they hold their meetings at a golf course in Florida.

Strange that a board which claimed to be largely ceremonial less than a year ago would shut down access to the point that now a newspaper is complaining about it. Something is odd.

True, but the KNS has been so anti University of Tennessee Athletics, I almost understand why they are hesitant to have them at their meetings. Would you want John Adams providing any/all information to you about Tennessee athletics?
Paranoia is an evil beast.:whistling:

I agree that it is unfortunate to not trust people or organizations associated in the Public Domain or the press. However, over the years, I have become less trusting of the media than the University of Tennessee. I realize that I will likely be criticized by this stance, but I just trust the University more than the KNS, especially their Sports Department. That is why I stopped my subscription a number of years ago.
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I agree that it is unfortunate to not trust people or organizations associated in the Public Domain or the press. However, over the years, I have become less trusting of the media than the University of Tennessee. I realize that I will likely be criticized by this stance, but I just trust the University more than the KNS, especially their Sports Department. That is why I stopped my subscription a number of years ago.

I hope no one beats you up on your stance. The sad and ugly truth is, there is an air of justified distrust in our society. It covers all levels from food companies putting chemicals as preservatives in foods that are toxic, cancer causing, etc and not placing that info on the label or using cryptic terms. The distrust extends to our leaders, including the clergy and just about everything else. Ghost billing by utility services and it goes on unending. Sometimes staying with the devil you know is the only real option you have.
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Cheek sighting!

Think again. Look, I'm not saying there doesn't need to be oversight. Sorry, I assumed I didn't have to make the obvious clear. I mean there's a middle ground. Opening it up is good when final decisions are being made. Just making a point about running a business that if you're looking for creative ideas, you need to be able to brainstorm without everyone in the media jumping all over it.

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