Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

Was it ever mentioned in the trial that KR was the result of a broken home? Was it discussed that this may have played out differently if there were a present father figure?
Rioters by definition have that history.
BLM protestors do not have that history, and that accounts for 99%.

So you’re admitting that every time 100 of them get together someone gets shot? Given how low the white homicide rate in this county, 99%, or 1/100 isn’t a very impressive stat.
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Was it ever mentioned in the trial that KR was the result of a broken home? Was it discussed that this may have played out differently if there were a present father figure?

Lol. Looks like he’s doing just fine. How f***ing absurd.
Kudos for a full paragraph of insult and not a single actual thought or contribution to the discussion.
Kudos to your unwavering support of the idea that someone should not be allowed to defend themself against violent attacks from pedophiles and wife beaters.
So you’re admitting that every time 100 of them get together someone gets shot? Given how low the white homicide rate in this county, 99%, or 1/100 isn’t a very impressive stat.
You reaching that conclusion is the story here.
That's simply ignorant nonsense. But you do you.

It’s the absolute truth. Cry racism when a career criminal meets their demise through their own actions so it’s acceptable to loot, riot, destroy, and assault people. “Equitable”. Another moronic, bastardized word by the looney left. You and ash could be brothers.
It’s the absolute truth. Cry racism when a career criminal meets their demise through their own actions so it’s acceptable to loot, riot, destroy, and assault people. “Equitable”. Another moronic, bastardized word by the looney left. You and ash could be brothers.


You're assuming intent where there isn't any.
Was it ever mentioned in the trial that KR was the result of a broken home? Was it discussed that this may have played out differently if there were a present father figure?
Are you worried about the homelife of the 3 GROWN ASS men that attacked a child??
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While it's just speculation I suppose if this were a Stop the Steal protest and KR was against the cause she'd be cheering the result (and some pro-Trumpers would be calling it unjust).

The righteousness of the cause upon which the protests and riots are founded seems to be the underlying thread.
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