Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

It’s absolutely OK. People have a right to defend their property and themselves as well as assist others who are being assaulted. The thing looney leftists like yourself can’t accept is the level of force doesn’t have to be minimal especially when you don’t know a person’s intent. Nobody has to just let someone beat the s***t out of them even if they don’t intend to kill them. I don’t have to shoot that person in the leg or be carrying a gun that isn’t too scary for pu****** like you to be ok with. Get over it. The blm terrorist organization needs to be nipped in the bud now. All these clowns ok with cities being destroyed in the name of “equity”, “racial justice”, and “systematic racism” to fight “white privilege” yet get up in arms when the lawlessness meets a just end.

Great post .

Liberals still won't "get it" though.

Lg, Loother, TNribs, et al are great examples of WILLFULL IGNORANCE and delusion.

It isn't that they cannot understand the simple logic of societal customs and's that they REFUSE to admit or acknowledge the foundational truths and rules that they were taught from childhood to adulthood. It is a "win at ANY cost" mentality....and they KNOW that their shtupid policies and ideas are antithetical to the Constitution and Bill of Rights...they KNOW that if implemented it WILL destroy this country....and that is EXACTLY what they want but almost never admit . They think (dream, like ignorant children) that the only reason Communism/Socialism has never worked is because THEY were not the ones running it...and that they can rebuild some ill conceived Utopia from the ashes of the greatest Republic the world has ever known.

None of their ignorance/stupidity/illogic is accidental.

It is 100% subversion and should be treated as such.

We need to call their ideas what they often are: Communism. At least the protestors in Chicago today were transparent. They should each be mocked, discredited, and if necessary prosecuted. The threat to Democracy , Liberty, and our Republic is real and widespread.
The gun is precisely what led to the first idiot "attacking" him. Him stupidly shooting the first idiot is what led to the other idiots stupidly going after him.

Wrong .. the fire extinguisher and KR stopping the idiot from pushing a lit dumpster was what led to the first attack .
The gun is precisely what led to the first idiot "attacking" him. Him stupidly shooting the first idiot is what led to the other idiots stupidly going after him.

You spout stupidity daily exercising your first amendment right. Is that grounds for criminals to assault you and you just cower to the fetal position?
She could expand the conversation about stupidity to include the gun obsession in our country and the reluctance of many to agree to rational and reasonable laws and regulations.

That's rich coming from the side that dropped a felony possession of a firearm on Grosskreutz days before the trial. He was a felon that had a gun illegally wasn't charged and you want me to trust you with reasonable gun laws? Nah. Why should I trust a new law when you don't wont the ones we have enforced.

Wrong .. the fire extinguisher and KR stopping the idiot from pushing a lit dumpster was what led to the first attack .
Turns out trash doesnt like to be interrupted when it’s lighting off other trash🤷‍♂️

Had the moron A) not lit that dumpster on fire and then B) not flown off stupidly against an armed individual then none of this would have happened.

But yeah… it’s the gun’s fault 🤡
You spout stupidity daily exercising your first amendment right. Is that grounds for criminals to assault you and you just cower to the fetal position?
How would that be grounds to justify assault?
That makes absolutely no sense.
The gun is precisely what led to the first idiot "attacking" him. Him stupidly shooting the first idiot is what led to the other idiots stupidly going after him.
No, the first guy, Rosenbaum was an f'in loose cannon. He was incensed because Ritt and the people he was with had the audacity to put out a fire he and his crew had set. He threatened them. He thought he found an easy mark in Ritt and went after him. Being armed likely saved him from severe bodily harm.

I'll be honest, whether it was Ritt, a police officer or some other thug in the street Rosenbaum's days were numbered. Guys like that don't last. There was something severely wrong with that guy. I've known people like him, grew up with a few in fact, although they weren't child molesters, but all of them are dead or in prison.

The other two guys unfortunately tried to come to the defense is the biggest moron on the block that night.
Where did I ever say it justified the attack?
I said it was stupid on stupid.........there were no justifications anywhere to be found.

No. The stupid is taking a dirt nap. There’s nothing stupid about being armed when dealing with rioting, looting, vandalizing, assaulting, domestic terrorists aka blm.
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