This is all Im gonna say and then im done ( ya finally, I know)
I post on here to bring info and have football discussion... (on a football board, I know) at first when I posted i didnt realize it was more of a social gathering (bar type setting) so I made missteps.
Was I cocky at first... sure.
The reason I defend myself (and yes thats what it is) is because I generally want to be liked on this board by all of you. Sure, the masculine men will say ahhhh I dont give a shi! Who likes me... and your lieing.
Do I have connections to the program (yes) from coaching friends, family friends etc. NRP and Marker can vouche for me (but that has been discussed so who gives a shi$)
Should I bring scheme info maybe, maybe not...
so there thats off my chest. Goodnight... Im probably gonna lay low for awhile... but in all honesty really enjoy this board and through all the razzing, dick measuring, and bullshi$ its a great place to come and if nothing else just mentally cool down a bit.
Thanks gentlemen. Aka (Morans)