You are doing a genuine disservice to the real fake insider's when you do stuff like this.
I just like to have fun, I don't even know what each insider's success rate is. I know everyone missed on Blades but that seemed more on the player.
Not even sure if another one of Caleb's has chosen yet?
Not yet... Burrell will today, and possibly Bogle this weekend... my friend told me last night it seems to be this weekend but now he isnt sure... same with the other guy linked to the program... either way he is in the boat silently... and Hill is a couple weeks away...
And don't take my lack of attention to info as serious or judgemental. I also don't pay attention or judge when people are wrong or a recruit changes their mind.
Just basically put zero stock in anyone knowing what an 18 year old may or may not suddenly do. Cause, you know, they're 18.
Not to push my own insiderness but I've heard there's several recruits around the country that MAY commit this weekend to a school. Or they may not.
I've said too much, don't dox me.