Lacrosse team's bus stopped, searched for drugs in Georgia

Lacrosse in Georgia? Something smells fishy..

Unfortunately they can’t get home to Delaware from Florida without traveling through the red neck counties in Georgia. But the good part is that the redneck police department’s Facebook page is getting obliterated with comments. And their phone is being blown up as well.
Who cares? The notion of searching bus passengers in conjunction with a supposed traffic violation committed by the driver is just a ridiculous abuse of police power. Who even thinks of doing that?
Traffic violation is enough probable cause for a criminal investigation.
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Traffic violation is enough probable cause for a criminal investigation.

There wasn’t a traffic violation. Buses can pass in the left lane which is exactly what the black bus driver was doing. Good ole boy, redneck, bad cops were on a fishing expedition. The probable cause was a false positive from the drug dog. They violated those girls’ civil rights (especially the 4th amendment) and they need to pay for it. Somebody would have gone to jail had the Delaware State party not been so cooperative with the tyrants.
There wasn’t a traffic violation. Buses can pass in the left lane which is exactly what the black bus driver was doing. Good ole boy, redneck, bad cops were on a fishing expedition. The probable cause was a false positive from the drug dog. They violated those girls’ civil rights (especially the 4th amendment) and they need to pay for it. Somebody would have gone to jail had the Delaware State party not been so cooperative with the tyrants.
racist dogs are the worst
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Our dogs would go crazy when two black kids walked by our house, we thought they were racist, found out the kids were breaking into people's shed, dogs weren't racist, they just hate thieves.
Someone taught those dogs to hate!

racist dogs are the worst
My grandfather's dog was racist. Got out of the house one day and ran after a black guy in the neighborhood. Turns out it was an fbi agent and he shot the dog. Maxwell lived but that agent truly owes his life to my level headed grandmother. This was in Memphis in the early 80s
Racism doesn't exist in this country. Cue Ricky to defend the police actions.

You can't see inside of those charter buses - I bet those cops had no idea an HBCU lacrosse team was on board. They were kicking over rocks, looking to make an arrest. Nobody gets pulled over for being a left lane hog (they should, but don't). Did anybody on board the bus consent to a search? The article says they opened the cargo bay, looking through their belongings. If not, the cops should have to answer to that.

When they entered the bus prior to searching it... I'm guessing they figured out that is was a busload of black people. Then they came up with the suspicious present ruse. This ain't the TSA.
Imagine if this happened to a Historically White College.
Racism doesn't exist in this country. Cue Ricky to defend the police actions.

When they entered the bus prior to searching it... I'm guessing they figured out that is was a busload of black people. Then they came up with the suspicious present ruse. This ain't the TSA.
So if it turned out it was all white people, you think they would have said "sorry" and let them go?
I think you underestimate how much cops enjoy going on fishing expeditions and making arrests, no matter the race of the people involved. They pulled the bus over having no idea the race of the people on the bus with the intention of sniffing around and seeing what they could find.
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WRONG! Bubba would have taken the opportunity to frisk everyone of those "athletes" for contraband.
Only way that bus is let go, would have been if it'd been full of gray hairs on their way to a casino. Cops would have been concerned about the number of depends that'd be left on the side of the road.
WRONG! Bubba would have taken the opportunity to frisk everyone of those "athletes" for contraband.
Only way that bus is let go, would have been if it'd been full of gray hairs on their way to a casino. Cops would have been concerned about the number of depends that'd be left on the side of the road.

Well that’s not accurate because that would mean white people never get searched for no reason. Given that I’ve had many issues with cops, including false arrest, I can assure you that there’s 100% chance your 100% is wrong.
FWIW I’ve heard a K9 officer testify that an “alert” for his dog was basically anything you can imagine a dog doing. Eating, drinking, *****ing, and peeing were the only things I saw asked about that he said couldn’t be alerts. Sitting, jumping, licking, scratching, going rigid, going slack, wagging his tail, stopping whatever he was doing, looking back at the officer, pulling on the leash, letting the leash go slack, and the best one: doing nothing were all among things that were, according to this K9 officer’s sworn testimony, possible “alerts” to the presence of contraband.

I’m sure there are some well-trained K9/Officer combos out there but pretty sure a lot of K9s are just there to give PC that the judge doesn’t have the expertise to question.
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