As for Morgan not making first team, when you compare the stats of the other infielders, I have to say I understand why they were selected over her, even if by a very small margin. She was clearly penalized for having lower HR and slugging % numbers vs. the rest of the infielders on the team, and slightly lower RBI numbers.
Laird: .410
Morgan: .400
Pleasants: .368
Echols: .358
Adams: .349
Burnside: .286
Burnside: 10
Adams: 7
Pleasants: 7
Echols: 6
Laird: 4
Morgan: 2
Echols: 21
Burnside: 19
Adams: 19
Pleasants: 19
Laird: 16
Morgan: 15
Burnside: .825
Pleasants: .711
Echols: .687
Adams: .627
Laird: .614
Morgan: .585
Burnside: .494
Echols: .477
Morgan: .474
Laird: .462
Pleasants: .442
Adams: .417
I will say that I wish they would stop doing these teams by position. There's no reason for someone like Herzog to be on the first team, but she gets on there because of her position. Her in-conference stats aren't remotely worthy of all-conference, let alone first team. It also makes someone like Kayla Kowalik fall to second team because she plays the same position as Hemphill, and also left Haley Lee at A&M off the teams completely because she also plays catcher. I couldn't imagine how she's feeling right now knowing she was left off but her teammate made first team with low key garbage stats. There should be three pitchers and then the twelve best position players in the conference. There's no doubt, when you look at the stats, that Morgan deserves first team over every single outfielder on the team, Kiki included. Mack, Brown, and Andrews are all small ball players and they all have lower in-conference BA than her, not to mention all the other numbers, too. Ashley Morgan, Haley Lee and Kayla Kowalik should all be first team over all the outfielders on the list.