LadyinOranges Official Countdown Thread

And he didn't pack a grass skirt!

Sigh, I meant to stay and see you off, Squally, but even queens have to sleep sometime.

Goodnight , my loyal subject. See ya when you get back.

37 days until kickoff

6 days until Fall practice

4 more teatments until BamaMan1 realizes that not only is no one going to ask him what his made-up word UcheaT means, but that he's the only Bama fan here harping on this which ought to tell him something not only about the value of his opinion of the Vols but about what Bama fans in general think about him.

Poor, poor little.... man?
:lolup: :lolup:

Thanks for doing the countdown today, Memphis! Our den was flooded last night in a MONSOON and we have been cleaning up the aftermath.

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 31, 2004 5:19 PM
:lolup: :lolup:

Thanks for doing the countdown today, Memphis! Our den was flooded last night in a MONSOON and we have been cleaning up the aftermath.


No way!!!!!!! Sorry to hear LIO!!!
Thanks for the sympathy. Our den USED to be a carport so it is really low and the city put a drainage ditch RIGHT in our front yard!! :angry: Needless to say, when 6 inches of rain falls in a matter of minutes, the two do NOT make a good combination!

We are worn out, but the carpet is saved. :good:
The Countdown is on until "WWE III" takes place in Oct 04....Bama will take out Old Yeller and that sorry excuse of a team called the Viles,.

VN Store
