LadyinOranges Official Countdown Thread

What's your major? I wish I had gone to UT instead of where I did, but it was just too far away. If I had it to do over again, I'd go anyway.
I'm Broadcasting but now it's called Electronic Media...I want to be programmer for a TV station or do sports radio...or write...I kind of wish I had done Jouranlism but I think it all blends together now anyway.

I'm an English minor but I still butcher grammar.
80 days till practice starts and 111 till kickoff!!

Come on Vol fans...GET LOUDER!!!
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@May 16, 2004 10:55 PM
You're in good company. Freak does too.


Just kiddin' Freaky.

Thanks for noticing. :moon2: :gun: ;)
Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long, Too long

Ever heard of "Go to first unread post?"


Todays numbers BTW are

79 days till practice
110 till kickoff.
I was referring to the amount of days

Boy someone must feel a bit....mean :furious3: :furious3:
Awww, U-T, I'm sorry.


I thought you meant the thread was too long.

I was just kidding anyway.

Forgive me??


I promise I'm not mean. Ask Freak.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@May 18, 2004 9:48 AM
Awww, U-T, I'm sorry.


I thought you meant the thread was too long.

I was just kidding anyway.

Forgive me??


I promise I'm not mean. Ask Freak.

On second thought, forget Freak. Ask NCGatorbait.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I am not going to mention any names (LIO), but someone is touchy today :D :D ;)

Actually I am in a very good mood today. Only two more days and then 10 whole weeks of vacation!!

78 days till practice starts!!

109 till kickoff!

It'll be here before we know it!!

( I hope.)
Tick tock tick tock.

Time moves too slow work and waiting for football season to start.
Did I just hear "10 weeks of vacation"?!?!?!?!?!?!

10 whole weeks??? Whatever it is that you do LIO, I've truly missed my calling. I guess the one benefit is that working helps pass the time between now and when practice starts.... My blood just changed from orange to green with envy! :thumbsup:
I'm a third grade teacher, Gatorhater and I NEED the rest, believe me!!!

77 days till practice starts.

108 till Kickoff!!

Note to Freak - Call the department in charge of concessions and have them put in a large supply of hot dogs before the season starts.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It is 1:45 am and I am still up finishing a video CD for our Awards Day ceremony tomorrow. Today's new numbers are

76 days till the first day of practice


107 days till we kick UNLV back to Vegas!
Wahoo! It's getting closer. Next Friday we will be under 100.


Good job LIO. Thanks for keeping us updated on the countdown.
It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.


If you want me to stop and resume closer to the season due to the length of the thread, just let me know. I won't be "touchy" about it either. ;)

Soon it will be the longest thread on VolNation! ;) :D

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