LadyinOranges Official Countdown Thread

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 26, 2004 12:31 AM
73 days till kickoff and 42 till practice begins.

I apologize for the lateness of the post today, but a dear friend who was like a brother to me was killed yesterday in a car accident. GOD, it hurts me just to type it! I have been with the family as much as possible and ask all who believe in the power of prayer to say one for Tim's wife and two teenaged daughters and his parents. And me. The Vols lost a devoted fan yesterday and I lost an irreplaceable treasure. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

This one's for Tim....


LIO, I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
Oh God, Freak. You do not KNOW how devastated we are. Your kind expressions of sympathy are So appreciated.
Wow! The beginning of practice is only 39 days away!!

Kickoff is still 70 days away, but getting CLOSER!!

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 29, 2004 7:08 PM
Freaky, I need to learn how to upload pictures to this site.

All you have to do is click on "browse" next to "File Attachments" when you are replying and select the file from our computer that you want to upload. It's really pretty easy. Let me know if you still have problems.
Sorry I changed the link...


Graci wants the season to start!
My goodness! Can it really be only 32 days till practice starts?? I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Only 63 till season starts!!!

They will fly by VOL FANS!!

So will football season. Sigh.
62 days till the start of football season!!

31 until practice begins.

Y'all got those flags, shakers and T-shirts ready?
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 6, 2004 9:53 AM
61 days till the start of football season!!

31 until practice begins.

Y'all got those flags, shakers and T-shirts ready?

I better start getting my gear out and dusting it off.
c' we should never hafta get it back out and dust it off! we should eat, sleep and go to church in it.....LOL..i'm jokin, but like everyone else, i feel like i'm about to die until practice starts. man, i go to sleep EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK watching a vols game i have on tape. I'm not really old enough to remember the Carl Pickens/Andy Kelly days, but i was watching the 1990 Notre Dame game at Neyland last night. Two things: one being that i'm enthralled that we dont have turf anymore. Two being that do any of you remember that Notre Dame game?? MY GOD it reminded me soooooo much of the Auburn game from 2003. I started getting those old games on tape when Clausen was a freshman, and I always said he reminded me of Andy Kelly (although I think he was strides better ect...) That was just a question I had for everybody.

Go Vols.
I remember that game! Without question, Pickens was a very special player.
Man he could jump. Man he could jump. lol I remember one play from back in our own endzone Kelly hurled it downfield and Pickens jumped up better than any player I have seen. He dropped the catch, but I really think it showed what a gifted athlete he is. What was the story with the little guy...Tony Thompson i think? I saw Yancy play in the spring game and though....well, we have another comparison.
Pickens really could jump. I seem to remember that he won a slam dunk contest when he was here. I can't remember exactly what it was for but there were several UT athletes in it and Pickens was the winner...and I think it was when he was a freshman. Anyone else remember that?
Originally posted by spreadI@Jul 6, 2004 8:45 PM
What was the story with the little guy...Tony Thompson i think?

From a 2003 article...

Tony Thompson came to the Vols from Lake Wales, Fla., who proved his worth to the Vols whenever his number was called. He had 124 yards against Memphis State in 1988 when Reggie Cobb went down, 128 yards against Vanderbilt in 1989 when Chuck Webb was injured, and, when Webb was lost for the season in the second game of 1990, Tony stepped to the front and led the SEC in rushing with 1261 yards. He had the game-winning score in the 1991 Sugar Bowl against Virginia. He was captain of the 1990 team...

Tony is Corporate Audit Manager with Thomson, Inc., a world leader in video image technologies and solution, in Thousand Oaks, Calif., for the past eight years. He earned his bachelors degree in mathematics in 1992 and his MBA in 1995, both from UT.
Originally posted by vol_freak+Jul 6, 2004 6:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (vol_freak @ Jul 6, 2004 6:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-LadyinOrange@Jul 6, 2004 9:53 AM
62 days till the start of football season&#33;&#33;

31 until practice begins.

Y&#39;all got those flags, shakers and T-shirts ready?

I better start getting my gear out and dusting it off. [/quote]
GASP&#33; You let your Vol stuff get DUSTY?? :blink:
61 more days to wait Vol fans&#33;&#33;

Practice begins in 30&#33;&#33;&#33;

*note* If you notice a slight discrepancy in some of the qouted posts, I realized I had miscounted in one of my posts. I went back and fixed it as best I could. Sorry.*
TWENTY-NINE (29) days till our boys in orange take to the practice field&#33;&#33; I&#39;m starting to get goosebumps every time I thin k about it&#33;&#33;

60 more days till we whup up on UNLV&#33;&#33;

28 days till practice starts&#33;&#33;

59 until kickoff&#33;&#33;

I can hear Smokey howling now&#33;&#33;&#33;

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