Lane Kiffen thinks Alabama players are dumb.

I fail to see how a fumble had anything to do with Kiffin's play call though. Saban can light him up for the comment being disrespectful but his rebuttal was just as dumb.

The fumble happened because Kiffin was trying to run a tricky misdirection play with a bunch of backups while up by 5 TDs. The snap hit a guy going in motion to fake a jet sweep.
Not taking up for Saban BUT why would any orange blooded UT fan care what Kiffin says? He is a spoiled arrogant mouthy twerp that has no concept of loyalty, period! I might as well throw in no integrity to complete the list. The past owner of the Oakland Raiders, his name escapes me at the moment, said it well when he fired that sorry excuse for a coach. JUST IGNORE HIM!!

It's Al Davis and yeah it's not every day an owner prepares 10 pages of stuff and a power point on why he fired kiffin and why nobody should hire him in the future. For those that have never seen it it's definitely worth a search and watch
Seriously, after 8 years how hard is it to spell Kiffin?

Honestly, I won't do him the courtesy of spelling his damned name correctly. Keffun can go straight to hades as far as I'm concerned. Piece of human excrement. I'm ashamed his name, no matter the spelling, is associated with my alma mater.
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The fumble happened because Kiffin was trying to run a tricky misdirection play with a bunch of backups while up by 5 TDs. The snap hit a guy going in motion to fake a jet sweep.

Barnett didn't wait for Foster to clear him before calling for the snap or waited too long and it should've snapped before Foster got to him. Regardless, Saban was on the headset and had the opportunity to overrule the call. He could've said from the beginning we're taking 3 knees and going home but he didn't.
Barnett didn't wait for Foster to clear him before calling for the snap or waited too long and it should've snapped before Foster got to him. Regardless, Saban was on the headset and had the opportunity to overrule the call. He could've said from the beginning we're taking 3 knees and going home but he didn't.

None of what you said is untrue. But it runs counter to your assertion that the playcall had nothing to do with the fumble. It's one thing to get your backups live snaps (which I'm sure Saban wanted). It's another thing to call tricky plays that depend on timing with a bunch of guys who've been standing around for the past three hours (which I'm sure Saban did not want). If the play gets executed correctly, then a turnover is unlikely. But it's also true that simply calling a run up the middle makes a turnover just as unlikely.
None of what you said is untrue. But it runs counter to your assertion that the playcall had nothing to do with the fumble. It's one thing to get your backups live snaps (which I'm sure Saban wanted). It's another thing to call tricky plays that depend on timing with a bunch of guys who've been standing around for the past three hours (which I'm sure Saban did not want). If the play gets executed correctly, then a turnover is unlikely. But it's also true that simply calling a run up the middle makes a turnover just as unlikely.

The play wasn't that complicated. Guess Kiffin mistakenly thought (dumb OC) college athletes would know when to snap a football (dumb players). Guess both his statement and Saban's are true.
Since we always don't get a look behind the curtain at everything going on, this article is revealing to me in that:

(1) Kiffin has not changed nor matured into what you need to be as a leader and head coach despite being taken in by Saban; and

(2) perhaps Saban's judgement is in question, not for bringing him in, but for keeping Kiffin there for two years.

Other articles describe the scene as though players did not like Kiffin. Clearly Kiffin's character hasn't changed / or hasn't matured (however you want to describe it) since being canned at USC. With this new article, I am scratching my head that he didn't just get one year with the Tide.

There's no doubt Kiffin did not mature whatsoever after being fired from USC or leaving Alabama. Saban just has great mechanisms for keeping Kiffin, or anybody else like him, in their lane (pun intended) and focusing on what they do well. When Saban thinks he can't do that anymore, he just lets people go, as he did with Kiffin.

Also, I don't really question Saban's judgment either since they won a national title and made it to another with Kiffin as OC. I think Saban saw where the game was going and brought in Kiffin to run a more creative, dynamic offense, which he thought it would take to win in the current environment.
The play wasn't that complicated. Guess Kiffin mistakenly thought (dumb OC) college athletes would know when to snap a football (dumb players). Guess both his statement and Saban's are true.

I assume from your level of confidence that you've snapped a ball on such a play, or even participated in such a play in some other way. When is the ball supposed to be snapped, and based on what signal?
I assume from your level of confidence that you've snapped a ball on such a play, or even participated in such a play in some other way. When is the ball supposed to be snapped, and based on what signal?

I'm sorry if I expect 5* recruits to understand such scenarios; not that they're immune from mistakes, however. But, based on some of the athletes y'all have managed to admit I can see how not understanding plays can be difficult.
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I'm sorry if I expect 5* recruits to understand such scenarios; not that they're immune from mistakes, however. But, based on some of the athletes y'all have managed to admit I can see how not understanding plays can be difficult.

So your have no idea? Great.
So your have no idea? Great.

Its a prerequisite to have experienced the intricacies of snapping a football at the collegiate level before expecting the best players in the country to be able to do so? Great. Guess message board conversations in regards to games should cease then, since 98% of us haven't played SEC football.

Again, if the play had been executed as expected it wasn't a dumb call. Saban agreed when he didn't overrule the call. It only became dumb when it didn't work.
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Its a prerequisite to have experienced the intricacies of snapping a football at the collegiate level before expecting the best players in the country to be able to do so? Great. Guess message board conversations in regards to games should cease then, since 98% of us haven't played SEC football.

So, in your message board opinion, the error was on the center?

Again, if the play had been executed as expected it wasn't a dumb call. Saban agreed when he didn't overrule the call. It only became dumb when it didn't work.

If it had worked, what difference would it have made? The game was effectively over.
So, in your message board opinion, the error was on the center?

If it had worked, what difference would it have made? The game was effectively over.

Then why allow your OC to make a meaningless call in the 1st place? Take 3 knees and run the clock out or punt; you're up 38-3. You fail to accept Saban had any responsibility in the play call. If he hears everything on the headset and actually knows what their offensive plays are then he had final say so and allowed this "foolishness" to go on.

To answer the 1st part, it's irrelevant what players fault I think it was. I have no idea beause, I don't what the snap count was or who might've forgot what it was. Clearly one of the 3 jacked it up and Kiffin called them out on it, appropriate or not.
Then why allow your OC to make a meaningless call in the 1st place? Take 3 knees and run the clock out or punt; you're up 38-3. You fail to accept Saban had any responsibility in the play call. If he hears everything on the headset and actually knows what their offensive plays are then he had final say so and allowed this "foolishness" to go on.

To answer the 1st part, it's irrelevant what players fault I think it was. I have no idea beause, I don't what the snap count was or who might've forgot what it was. Clearly one of the 3 jacked it up and Kiffin called them out on it, appropriate or not.

I imagine that Saban probably would have saved his anger for the film room but for Kiffin's comment.

As to Saban overruling the play: he rarely does that on offense. He does on D. The most that Saban will do is tell the OC to run the ball more. He trusts the OC to call plays.

Is it ultimately his ship? Sure. But he isn't a micromanager.
Kiffin is a certified, narcissistic, ass, but his big mouth will resonate thru CFB, even from the basement of FAU. That's how he rolls.
kinda makes Saban's "ass chewing" a little more understandable. that comment is not excusable at all. its one thing if its a one on one meeting behind closed doors. but on the sideline at a game?

Taken out of context. You can say that and it's not an attack. We get way too sensitive about words nowadays. Also, how's the story true kiffin doesn't have his headset on during the ****ing clip.

Sheep guys, read and just sheepishly follow. Cmon man, do a little look into before you blindly follow.
Heh, Smokey, you know the two guys are standing like two yards from each other? You don't need electronics to transmit and receive an ass-chewing from two yards, even in a noisy place. Air and sound waves work just fine at that distance. You might have noticed that Saban even took his headset off to more effectively deliver the scolding.

But good job calling everyone sheep, I bet you really got a warm fuzzy feeling out of that. :)
Heh, Smokey, you know the two guys are standing like two yards from each other? You don't need electronics to transmit and receive an ass-chewing from two yards, even in a noisy place. Air and sound waves work just fine at that distance. You might have noticed that Saban even took his headset off to more effectively deliver the scolding.

But good job calling everyone sheep, I bet you really got a warm fuzzy feeling out of that. :)

I did feel good.
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Hint for name of that Raiders owner

No lie, I knew his name. Now when I think of AL this picture pops up and I can't remember his last name. Lol

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