Lane kiffin and Daniels in knoxville

Please enlighten us, becuase no one here or that I've seen, anywhere else, has shared exactly why these two were in Knoxville at the sane time.
Who cares when or if they were in Knoxville lol!? It’s a coach for another team with a player from another team who will be in the NFL Next year😂 like seriously why does it matter 😂
Who cares when or if they were in Knoxville lol!? It’s a coach for another team with a player from another team who will be in the NFL Next year😂 like seriously why does it matter 😂
Alot of people care to know. Its just simple curiosity. It doesn't have to have significance or any meaning to it pertaining to Tennessee football. But if Lane is going to troll us, at least curious to know why he is here.
Forget Kiffin, lets focus on why Daniels is in town.

Not familiar with which companies have their headquarters in Knoxville maybe its for a sponsorship.

Potentially a big LSU booster lives in Knox. He's stopped by as a thank you for the 6 to 7 figures.

Third theory, similar to how the MonStars took the powers of NBA players. Daniels is here to take Joe Miltons arm strength so he can be unstoppable in the NFL.
I saw an article with Kiffin posting a pic with the new Heisman winner in Knoxville. Anyone have any intel on why they would be there? I guess transfers are a possibility but J. Daniels is the odd one here.

Kiffin in Knoxville
Per a buddy at TAC Air or whatever it's called now, the LSU jet had to refuel on the return trip from New York and they have a corporate account to do it here.

Lane was here recruiting. He talked to Tyler Baron but also checked in at a couple of high schools.
He has won 10 games in 2 of the last 3 years at Ole Miss. Y'all can hate, but he's a really good coach. He knows he made a mistake.
Like 1000 times. The brag and pet players that leave the school for a better deal and curse the coach that done the same thing. Dare I say it, a bit hypocritical
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