Last December all of VN agreed this season would be VERY tough.

Our offense could have not had 10 consecutive 3 and outs. On paper our Oline was the only group that was better, on paper. They failed drastically to control the LOS. The only way to slow down their Off. Is to keep them off the field, we were out manned and out coached. We need to improve.

offensively, they could have performed better.

what i don't know is how well those guys have learned the offense.

but, offensively they could have performed much better.
what could tennessee do?

what part of oregon's offense could tennessee's defense take advantage of? where did tennessee have a matchup advantage?

What I find funny is how this place loves to complain about "lack of respect" yet so many seem to have problems showing Oregon any.

They are that good, period, and right now we aren't. That's the truth.
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I wasn't expecting a win, but with our OL, I was expecting a much better run control offense. With arguably the best OL in the country, we should have not had so many 3 and outs. We should have played to our strength and that's supposedly our OL. Marlin Lane should be our feature back, not much break away speed, but enough power running to get 3 yards a carry. We'll have to rely on the running game (what there is) for the immediate future until we can get a QB that can carry his part with the run and PASS. We can still have a respectful season (6-6, 7-5) if we don't give up.
Lol - we've had plenty of well paid guys at the helm. That's never been an issue. I like Butch and injuries and Couch likely set us back but we absolutely could have had a better showing against OR. Not beat them but better overall.

I'm not a coach nor understand what Butch and company fully want to achieve on offense, but I'm also not a total moron when it comes to football schemes and lining up four wide every play when you don't have a decent QB doesn't make sense. The issue was fully pressed in terms of the read option spread, and that pressing lead to 40+ unanswered points.
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We don't all agree anything of the sort concerning Jones. I like him. I want him to succeed as much as anyone here. But there is absolutely NO guarantee that he will get the program turned around. It is even less likely he'll get the chance if he doesn't prove that he can coach with the big boys within the first 3 years.

Right about there being no guarantees. However, Jones appears to have a full range of head coaching abilities, and he won't stop striving for superiority. He will improve our players and recruit well for the future. Let's hope that his assistants will work out. They seem to be very much on his page, and we desperately need the continuity.
what could tennessee do?

what part of oregon's offense could tennessee's defense take advantage of? where did tennessee have a matchup advantage?

Played less risk averse. Gotten a few first downs and kept our D off the field.
I'm not a coach nor understand what Butch and company fully want to achieve on offense, but I'm also not a total moron when it comes to football schemes and lining up four wide every play when you don't have a decent QB doesn't make sense. The issue was fully pressed in terms of the read option spread, and that pressing lead to 40+ unanswered points.
Right or wrong the fact that we are running a read option with 0 option is one question mark.
lol, FIRE BUTCH, QB sucks, FIRE BUTCH, still got guys running a 4.5 trying to cover guys who run a 4.3 , FIRE BUTCH!! :D
Is it our fault that we act disappointed when we discover that every game Tennessee plays is not a sure-fire victory?

I can handle a loss to the #2 team in the country..its the way in which they lost that is the greatest insult to me personally. UT has replaced vandy as bottom ***** in the SEC and no one seems to be bothered by that. Maybe that's the greatest disappointing aspect to the vol football program...they are real bad and nobody cares. 15 years ago the orange jersey was respected and feared by all. Now teams in other conferences are putting us in there lineup like we put a sunbelt team on ours for a fluff victory. Very disappointing!
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Right or wrong the fact that we are running a read option with 0 option is one question mark.

i think it is pretty clear that butch is installing his system and having people run things his way as a way of moving forward to build the program.

results in year 1 be damned
what could tennessee do?

what part of oregon's offense could tennessee's defense take advantage of? where did tennessee have a matchup advantage?

Did you watch the game?

Our dl for most of the game got the better of their ol.
Did you watch the game?

Our dl for most of the game got the better of their ol.

Ok, this is going to sound more sarcastically bent than it's meant but........

What part of Oregon's 700+ yards offense tells you that the D line got the better of the Oregon's O line? I suppose keeping them under 300yds rushing is not bad given their talent level but it looked like total domination to me after the first quarter.
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Ok, this is going to sound more sarcastically bent than it's meant but........

What part of Oregon's 700+ yards offense tells you that the D line got the better of the Oregon's O line? I suppose keeping them under 300yds rushing is not bad given their talent level but it looked like total domination to me after the first quarter.

Our offense gave up those points. You can't go 3 and out over and over again and expect the best offense in the country to not destroy you, especially when three pure freshman are starting in the secondary. Our defense was fine to we decided to play them every other minute because our offense couldn't get first downs. Oregon scored fast but that's a mental drain on your defense. Ball control and special teams were key to us not getting blown out, and both failed miserably. Until we can get a kicker who can gets us some touch backs on kickoffs we are going to continue to have to kick to teams best players and watch them fly by our special teams.
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Duly noted however we have seen the loss blamed on every single facet of our team multiple times on here and I think they are ALL correct and it played out just as most expected. It all boils down to being outgunned and outmanned in Autzen. It was as close to a guaranteed loss as you will find and we knew it going in.
Ok, this is going to sound more sarcastically bent than it's meant but........

What part of Oregon's 700+ yards offense tells you that the D line got the better of the Oregon's O line? I suppose keeping them under 300yds rushing is not bad given their talent level but it looked like total domination to me after the first quarter.

Granted my memory gets more fuddled as the game went on but I dont remember them haveing much sucess between the tackles. Actually remember several plays where they got stuffed. When we had a "hat on hat" and had everybody accounted for they held their own.

Problem was we didn't "account" for everybody 4 plays in a row.
what could tennessee do?

what part of oregon's offense could tennessee's defense take advantage of? where did tennessee have a matchup advantage?

We had a positive advantage running the ball North-South. We decided not to after our first series successfully running it North-South and started doing read-option crap that Oregon wasn't buying.

3 or 4 3-and-outs later Oregon scores a TD after every single one.

If we took more time off the clock on 2 of those drives, Oregon potentially gets 2 fewer drives. We still get run out of the building but at least we don't lose by 45 points and end up being a total joke.

I can't tell you how many PMs from people who don't even care about college football that were offering their condolences. Oregon is a good team but we got completely embarrassed. It wasn't the loss, as TusconVol said, it was the fact that our statline fell between Nicholls State and Virginia. Oregon could have dropped 8-900 yards on us easily. 687 is them pulling off the gas. Their 2nd Team handled us easily as well.

Again, let me reiterate: I didn't expect a win. I expected a 21-24 point loss at least. I did expect a sound gameplan and to not get completely embarrassed. I was let down on the gameplan and embarrassment aspect.
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We had a positive advantage running the ball North-South. We decided not to after our first series successfully running it North-South and started doing read-option crap that Oregon wasn't buying.

3 or 4 3-and-outs later Oregon scores a TD after every single one.

If we took more time off the clock on 2 of those drives, Oregon potentially gets 2 fewer drives. We still get run out of the building but at least we don't lose by 45 points and end up being a total joke.

I can't tell you how many PMs from people who don't even care about college football that were offering their condolences. Oregon is a good team but we got completely embarrassed. It wasn't the loss, as TusconVol said, it was the fact that our statline fell between Nicholls State and Virginia. Oregon could have dropped 8-900 yards on us easily. 687 is them pulling off the gas. Their 2nd Team handled us easily as well.

Again, let me reiterate: I didn't expect a win. I expected a 21-24 point loss at least. I did expect a sound gameplan and to not get completely embarrassed. I was let down on the gameplan and embarrassment aspect.

Ok, but that doesn't answer the question.

The answer I have gotten in response to what could the defense do is.....the offense could have stayed on the field more.

No one has provided any suggestion as to what the defense could have done. The reason for that is obvious.
I think whether you like it or not we're looking at a long rebuild. This staff will be here for at minimum the next four years so get behind them or if you can't do that at least support your team or STFU and go elsewhere.

I wasn't high on Jones when he was hired but I see some progress on both sides of the ball despite the talent void that we have currently. Defensively we're worlds better, discipline wise we are worlds better, offensively outside of our OLine there just isn't a great deal of talent and where there is talent there is inexperience. Give it some time before jumping off any bridges, I think we finally have a decent coach.
Ok, but that doesn't answer the question.

The answer I have gotten in response to what could the defense do is.....the offense could have stayed on the field more.

No one has provided any suggestion as to what the defense could have done. The reason for that is obvious.

I'm not a coach but I'd think if somebody went out for a pass it'd probably be a good idea to have someone within 10yrds of em.
Ok, but that doesn't answer the question.

The answer I have gotten in response to what could the defense do is.....the offense could have stayed on the field more.

No one has provided any suggestion as to what the defense could have done. The reason for that is obvious.

you should probably stop trying to explain to everyone that oregon has 6 players (qb rb 4 wr) on their offense that run probably sub 4.4s and we dont have the speed to match. especially when they run their offense as fast as they do and everything has to be accounted for within a couple seconds of the last play ending. not to mention that their play calling was perfect. as mad as it made me that fake bubble screen on 4th and 6(?) was a great play call and our corner bit on it. can't do much about that. and yes you are right the only answer we could have had is for our offense to limit the game to very few possessions in each half. seeing as each team had about 10 possessions in the first half, our offense didn't do their job and our D never really had a chance.
n the plays
offensively, they could have performed better.

what i don't know is how well those guys have learned the offense.

but, offensively they could have performed much better.

That is my only complaint. I didnt expect a miracle but I did expect our offense to show up. At least fight a little. Our players ran the plays they were told. Wait till we try to run around the edge every play against you guys.
Look on any college message board and you'll find that the fans opinions and up's and down's, parallel their teams performace on the field.

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