Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This is only a relevant question for someone who supports mandated shutdowns during time of virus outbreaks.

As someone who is not ready to propose such a measure, my answer would be 0 in my family. I’ll weigh the information and risks and make the best decisions I can for my family.

And what decision did you make for "CoVid Carl" who coughed on you at the grocery store that you then took home to your family?
And what decision did you make for "CoVid Carl" who coughed on you at the grocery store that you then took home to your family?

Maybe I made the decision to wear a mask. Maybe I stayed at home and had Amazon deliver my groceries. Maybe I decided that with no underlying health conditions and por ages that I would take the chance (just like I did when I decided to drive to the grocery store...let’s pretend I did it at saturday midnight).

Those are all legitimate answers. We live in a world fraught with risk that cannot be legislated away.
Conservative orthodoxy is rooted in federalism philosophies. Conservatives in the streets protesting the measures taken by governors to combat a global pandemic rather than protesting in D.C. against a president who claimed “absolute authority” tells me one thing: The Republican Party is no longer an idealogical entity, it’s a cult that betrays it’s founding ideals in favor of victory at any cost.
The fact you don’t believe that both parties are cults who betray ideals for power and victory show your shallowness
It's been here long before the current pandemic. My guess is autumn.
I have an appointment with my allergy doctor on Wednesday, and I am going to ask about if he knows where I can get the antibody test. I have had something off and on since before Labor Day, flu and strept tests negative, wife and I went to primary care doctor in September and both had bad infections mine in head hers in chest, and she was very sick for about two weeks before Christmas, mid-March felt like I'd been shot in the chest and out of breath, etc.
Wouldn’t that fall under scenario 2?
It could. But not necessarily. It could have a lightning fast transmission rate and only been here for a few weeks, it could have a fast transmission and been here for several months, or an average transmission and here for months.
Without faulty testing, I don't know how so many could produce antibodies if here for weeks and average transmission.
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It could. But not necessarily. It could have a lightning fast transmission rate and only been here for a few weeks, it could have a fast transmission and been here for several months, or an average transmission and here for months.
Without faulty testing, I don't know how so many could produce antibodies if here for weeks and average transmission.

Either way, in scenarios 2 and 3, the mortality rate would have to be much smaller than common flu.

FTR: I think the testing was rushed and they aren’t reliable. It’s only my theory though.
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Don't want to see anyone die. But guess what? Viruses were here long before the China virus and they will be here long afterwards. Are you willing to go through another shutdown similar to this on a worldwide stage when the next alleged pandemic occurs?

The bold tells me all I need to know about you.
See the bold...... We happen to agree.

You can't protect everyone from everything.

But what else can you do with this? Are you OK with being a spreader? Even knowing that your spreading of the virus might kill someone else?

Once this is endemic you can't do anything else. Once you've done all you can you have to accept what happens. But until then..... this is what you can do. Is staying home such a huge burden? You may have saved a life. Or not. Who knows? But are you willing to take that chance?

It keeps coming back to the same question..... How many people are you willing to see die?

So the question I have for you believe that we are saving lives right now by staying inside in TN? With the understanding that we are staying inside so the medical system will not get overloaded to where we lose lives because we don’t have the capacity to take care of them my answer is no. We are not saving a single life by staying inside. The only way that we are going to save lives by staying inside is to stay until a vaccine is developed or this virus runs its course. We are 12+ months away for a vaccine and we are actually slowing this thing from running it’s course by staying inside.

From all of the data that has been taken so far what we know is that this thing feasts on pre-existing conditions and those over the age of 70. Keep these folks protected until a vaccine is developed by asking them to utilize social distancing as best as they can and possibly wear a mask when you go out in public. If they go out and risk it it’s on them.

Personally I have one grandparent who is in his 90s who is healthier than an ox and one in her 70s who’s health is questionable. We will be only FaceTiming until I get a positive antibody test.

I have been working this whole time and this really hasn’t effected me. I could just be selfish and say keep er locked down! This isn’t going to effect me. But you know what I have several close friends who have already either lost their jobs, lost their businesses or had their hours cut back including a couple who is well along in a pregnancy. This is going to have such a harsher economic impact on loved ones around me vs. those that we lose to this virus.
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Either way, in scenarios 2 and 3, the mortality rate would have to be much smaller than common flu.

FTR: I think the testing was rushed and they aren’t reliable. It’s only my theory though.
It's as valid a theory as any other. Might be most likely, too.

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