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Over 800 COVID deaths today in the US, a three-fold increase overy it was this past weekend. Is Clay Travis out there pumping sunshine still?

IHME | COVID-19 Projections
With headlines like this one and with what Fauci said we knew it was coming, gotta keep people fearful
Where's that idiot Clay Travis now?!?

All he's been posting has emphasized that total cases don't mean anything and that deaths haven't been rising. Obviously, there's a lag time between new cases and subsequent deaths, but apparently with a Vandy degree, that's too difficult a concept to grasp.

And now... here comes death.


Jul 6

Tuesday’s are typically the biggest days for death totals so we’ll see what happens the rest of the week, but we are on track for an 11th straight week of death declines in this country. Which I think stuns most people who watch media fear porn all day long.


Jul 6

Monday coronavirus positivity: Just 242 nationwide deaths today. 209 yesterday, 254 on Saturday. Three straight days with the lowest covid death totals since March 23rd. Yet crickets from most in media:



Why? He’s paid taxes just like everyone else. I’m sure whatever business he’s in felt an impact from the shutdown.

Because he has the ability to absorb that cost where others don’t . It’s not a matter of him having a right to file it , of course he does . I’m just saying I wouldn’t . Different strokes .
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Because he has the ability to absorb that cost where others don’t . It’s not a matter of him having a right to file it , of course he does . I’m just saying I wouldn’t . Different strokes .

Its a messy game. I dont have his wealth, but people dont want to dip into their personal funds to meet payroll of one their companies. Especially considering how many restrictions are mandated by govt, thus causing much of the financial issues.
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Because he has the ability to absorb that cost where others don’t . It’s not a matter of him having a right to file it , of course he does . I’m just saying I wouldn’t . Different strokes .

Hate the game, not the player. As long as he played by the rules the .gov wrote he did nothing wrong and shouldn't be shamed for taking the money.
2019 flu was a particularly nasty strain last year. 103 fever, body aches, coughing. If you show up symptomatic like that you will be tested for flu from Nov to April. You can ask @kiddiedoc about smaller individuals. I didn't treat little ones.
It ended up being tangential, but this guy said what I was saying better:

Should You Ask for a Test for the Flu?

Dr. Miller: You don't need one. First you don't have flu symptoms, and if you do have flu symptoms and you're not severely ill, we would just treat you empirically. Meaning, if you have symptoms, you have a high fever that starts suddenly, shakes, chills, cough, you basically would have the flu until proven otherwise during the middle of the flu season.

Interviewer: So you're saying that the flu for a physician is a pretty obvious thing to diagnose. You don't need a test.

Dr. Miller: Should be, but everybody loves a test Scott.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Miller: Everybody loves the test.

Interviewer: They like to know for sure.

Dr. Miller: So we've talked before on the program about being treated for the flu. So there is a treatment, an antiviral that you can give, but you should give it within the first 48 hours. So if one obtains a test to prove whether you have the flu or not it might be longer than 48 hours before you get the test results back, while in the meantime you're feeling miserable.

Interviewer: Oh. Yeah, so I come into the doctor and they're like, "I'll give you the flu test, if you want it," and then by then it's too late.

Dr. Miller: The decision is made based on a clinical presentation, so looks like the flu, smells like the flu, it's probably the flu. And we go ahead and treat it. We start the treatment.

Which is consistent with what Family members and friends who are ER and family practice physicians and mid-levels (8 total, not counting random internet doctor, above) have all told me. It’s also consistent with the inflated death:positive test ratio cited earlier, and the CDC explanation for why they extrapolate influenza numbers.
Its a messy game. I dont have his wealth, but people dont want to dip into their personal funds to meet payroll of one there companies. Especially considering how many restrictions are mandated by govt, thus causing much of the financial issues.

I get it , I do , not everyone thinks the same way . I’m just saying if I was worth 200miliion and NGV was worth 400milion .. I don’t think( I know we wouldn’t ) Ask the small business administration for a bail out . That’s why I said different stokes for different folks .
I get it , I do , not everyone thinks the same way . I’m just saying if I was worth 200miliion and NGV was worth 400milion .. I don’t think( I know we wouldn’t ) Ask the small business administration for a bail out . That’s why I said different stokes for different folks .

It is very likely he does almost nothing in the day to day of these businesses. The GM or whoever doesnt have a line to his private bank accounts. I get the outrage, but I cant fault them.
Hate the game, not the player. As long as he played by the rules the .gov wrote he did nothing wrong and should be shamed for taking the money.

I don’t hate either . He’s entitled to the money . If we had a small busy and worth $600 million , we would be also . What you do after you know that you can get it ( to me ) determines your worth more than the money does . IMO only .
I get it , I do , not everyone thinks the same way . I’m just saying if I was worth 200miliion and NGV was worth 400milion .. I don’t think( I know we wouldn’t ) Ask the small business administration for a bail out . That’s why I said different stokes for different folks .

If you were worth that much my guess is your thinking would be different.
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It was a symptomatic relief med. That does nothing for the immune system. Did you feel better after that?
For a few hours. Then it wears off. Take another in 6-8 hours. I knew it's not something that will reduce the length of illness. Just something to make you feel less crappy.

I'd just never heard that zinc doesn't work till the pharmacist told me. And I figure they are probably pretty knowledgeable on OTC/prescription drugs.

But he's also the same pharmacist that told me another time "the best thing for your sinus infection/sore throat is probably a couple ounces of brown liquor or whiskey. We don't sell that here so I can get you the next best thing. But there is a liquor store a couple hundred yards that way"

VN Store
