Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Here in McMinnville, a worker at the NHC nursing home who unknowingly had Covid has spread it to the patients there. There are now 15 cases in the nursing home. Knowing the demographic of nursing home patients I don't expect all of them to survive. It will be interesting to see how this town reacts if we have several Covid deaths here.
I only leave when I need to Justin. I am capable of cooking for myself. Grill me some burgers or steaks and have a nice drink. I know that you demand someone serve you these things, because you feel entitled that someone serve you.

Someone's gotta raise that cow, kill it, process it, transport it and stock it for you grill it and eat it.
I only leave when I need to Justin. I am capable of cooking for myself. Grill me some burgers or steaks and have a nice drink. I know that you demand someone serve you these things, because you feel entitled that someone serve you.
Good for you. I am glad I have the freedom to go out and eat/drink and keep small businesses running and support the staff of the restaurants in my area. I will be doing so again tonight.
It's hard not to believe politics is in play with a lot of this. The same people reporting spikes in Tulsa after a Trump rally are the same damn people who have ignored all the protesters running free, setting up autonomous zones, and tearing down statues. We hear about how we must wear masks, how we reopened too soon, that cases are spiking here and there, and it's all Trump's fault, yet it was AOK for chaotic rioting and looting, and rampant vandalism to occur. All of those actions were seemingly defended, justified by outrage, and not one damn time did anyone scream about the spreading of the virus. But now, as people begin to cool down, virus fears rear their ugly head again. Why does this not seem like a coincidence?

And before some get the wrong idea, and I already know what the liberal response will be so I'm mainly directing this at the die hard Trumpers of the board, I am not defending Trump or making a case for him. He's an arrogant prick that has made some serious mistakes, and he's shown himself to clearly be another politician. But I do question how the media has influenced all of this, and I wonder if this is orchestrated to ensure Trump is not reelected? And yeah, I can understand why some would say "that's ridiculous", but if it's really ridiculous, where was all the outrage about virus spreading when chaos was breaking out on the streets? I mean, what the hell. If a Trump rally led to spikes in COVID-19, are you telling me mass gathering of protests and riots and such had NO effect whatsoever? Yet all of that was defended, justified, and even encouraged to a large degree.
This is the part that frustrates me most. It's not a conspiracy to say the media is complicit in their selective outrage/support for identical actions depending on the who's doing it.

Part of me thinks they just want to be supportive when some new social justice campaign becomes popular. No matter what they're not going to criticize people protesting (if it's something that the Democrats benefit from). Even if we are in the middle of a pandemic. You can't get a haircut under any circumstances because grandmas will die, but you can stand shoulder to shoulder front to back among thousands of people packed into a street as there is protesting, rioting, and looting and that is, as you said, AOK. No coronavirus danger there.

At the same time I absolutely believe they are structuring their coverage to do as much damage to Republicans as possible.
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We might not get football, but if you want to protest anything, quarantine rules don't apply. Can we stage protests at Neyland Stadium that involve a football? Getting so tired of the selectivity involved in "safety". Anyone who wants a return to some semblance of normal is vilified, while people tearing down statues are proclaimed heroes. People really are sheep to fall for all this bull ****. So ****ing tired of it. I get this virus is a serious threat, but I'm so tired of the damn fearmongers.

It's hard not to believe politics is in play with a lot of this. The same people reporting spikes in Tulsa after a Trump rally are the same damn people who have ignored all the protesters running free, setting up autonomous zones, and tearing down statues. We hear about how we must wear masks, how we reopened too soon, that cases are spiking here and there, and it's all Trump's fault, yet it was AOK for chaotic rioting and looting, and rampant vandalism to occur. All of those actions were seemingly defended, justified by outrage, and not one damn time did anyone scream about the spreading of the virus. But now, as people begin to cool down, virus fears rear their ugly head again. Why does this not seem like a coincidence?

And before some get the wrong idea, and I already know what the liberal response will be so I'm mainly directing this at the die hard Trumpers of the board, I am not defending Trump or making a case for him. He's an arrogant prick that has made some serious mistakes, and he's shown himself to clearly be another politician. But I do question how the media has influenced all of this, and I wonder if this is orchestrated to ensure Trump is not reelected? And yeah, I can understand why some would say "that's ridiculous", but if it's really ridiculous, where was all the outrage about virus spreading when chaos was breaking out on the streets? I mean, what the hell. If a Trump rally led to spikes in COVID-19, are you telling me mass gathering of protests and riots and such had NO effect whatsoever? Yet all of that was defended, justified, and even encouraged to a large degree.

Someone please help me understand, someone please offer up some sane reasoning as to how this all makes sense. Because I don't see it. And this goes far, far beyond the liberal reasoning of "Trump". The last several months have made me start considering conspiracy theories because none of it makes any sense. I feel like I'm losing my damn mind trying to understand all the bad **** that has happened. Yet some people seem to revel in it, fiddling Neros, enjoying watching it burn. And I find that sad. Tremendously sad.

How is everyone not severely depressed by all of this? Please, share your secrets, because this is one of those days I could use them. We're tearing ourselves apart, and it's maddening to me. I just don't get it.
I’m with you man. In more ways than one. Mentally it’s been very difficult for me because this has pretty much been my 2nd quarantine in less than a year due to my transplant. Luckily my family has been great and all my monthly blood tests have all been right where they are supposed to be. Thank goodness I got off prednisone before all of this started or else things could have been a lot more problematic for me being immunosuppressed, not to mention the mood changes and eating habits associated with it.
I get angry on here a lot too because I see some almost wanting for themselves to be right in their predictions, see where we are as country and see the college football season go down the tubes more than they want to be wrong. People can say that cancel culture is a myth, but I disagree. It’s our mindset in general. You add the most divisive election in history where I don’t think anyone is even backing a candidate. We are just trying to tear down the other guy, and they both make it incredibly easy. It’s hard not to have low days when there is very little to be inspired about. Those are reasons why I believe we need to have sports back and why I get so angry at some on this board who seem to be openly cheering the cancellation of football and other sports while advocating or dismissing other mass group “events”. It boggles my mind how being on a sports based message board you wouldn’t want the thing that has brought us all here to begin with.
Anyways, enough of my rant. I hope you hang in there and your physical health is doing well also.
Non sequitur.

By "your body, your choice", you insinuate that I'm hypocritical because I support an individual's right to an abortion, yet I don't support an individual's right to *not* wear a mask in public around others.

One obvious hole in your theory: You getting an abortion won't kill me and others. You not wearing a mask could kill me and others.

This is akin to drinking and driving. You have the right to get drunk. You do not have the right to get drunk and drive. If you do, you risk not only your own life, but that of other innocent people. Further, if you fail to abide by this common sense law, you face pretty severe consequences legally.

More laws , more government, more nanny states , me not wearing a seatbelt won’t kill you , me not wearing a mask won’t kill you if you stay away from me . If you were in the jungle and you saw a tiger do you ( A. ) stay away from the tiger and give yourself plenty of distance so you aren’t in danger ,( B.) run up to the tiger and berate him for what he is doing or about to do / could potential do to you . ( C) run away and call the authorities you got to close to a tiger and they should come lock him up for your safety ? I’ve got you pegged for C , but I’m just curious what your answer is .
Sorry for rambling, but I've had a tough day. I just want some sense of normalcy to return. Some shred of good news to brighten the day. But everywhere I look, it just seems chaos.

Take a road trip . I think you will find it’s not as crazy as the media and all the headline grabbing articles tells you it is . I would recommend avoiding big cities that have a potential for a flare up ( just go around them ) get out on the road , fresh air often brings a new perspective. Try to go through different states , stop at the small mom and pop businesses and find some new scenery . I think you’ll be surprised at what you see , and how different it is than what’s being broadcasted .
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Someone riddle me this.

Why has the homeless population, where social distancing is nonexistent, cleanliness is a minimum, and hygiene is pretty much nonexistent not dropping like flies?

Why is the liberal media worried about people dying when millions of unborn children are murdered each year?

What is going to happen to local governments who are dependent on commercial real estate taxes?
Someone riddle me this.

Why has the homeless population, where social distancing is nonexistent, cleanliness is a minimum, and hygiene is pretty much nonexistent not dropping like flies?

Why is the liberal media worried about people dying when millions of unborn children are murdered each year?

What is going to happen to local governments who are dependent on commercial real estate taxes?
False Perception of COVID-19's Impact on the Homeless
Pcr could be up to 80% false positives. That's why we are seeing all the symptomless positives. Plus it picks up any retrovirus. They need to open up and let it die out. By sheltering healthy people they are only extending this.
So my theory that some of these "asymptomatic cases" could be false positives and driving up the numbers could have some legd?

VN Store
