Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

hErD ImMuNiTy iS ImPoSsIbLe
"This vaccine might be 50% effective at best and may wear off"
tHiS Is hOw wE GeT To hErD ImMuNiTy

I doubt it will be 50% and it will keep dropping if / when the virus changes from cycle to cycle . That’s if we just keep one or two stains of it . I’m guessing it will end up like the flu , starting in Europe and them having to guess which one will hit here every year . $$$
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Not to derail the thread, but if you've ever done any computer programming you might have used Fortran, Basic, COBOL etc. as programming platform/language. Visual Basic is very similar to the old Basic language in syntax and let's you operate on values from cells of a spreadsheet as input data and post results back into pages/cells of the spreadsheet. Mostly these "macros" are activated from "buttons" that can be placed in cells of the spreadsheet. I have one file that does my accounting. Customer Database, Product Database, Quotes and Quote Database, Orders, Pricing, and prints Invoices and Packing Lists... all in the same file and with printing from these various sheets into PDF format which can then be emailed to customers. Several other sheets that do modeling & simulations on catalyst/vessel designs etc. mainly for gas or liquid purification.
I loved BASIC programming. It was a huge help in Excel and I was able to program my TI85 to run the engineering problems back in my college days making tests a whole lot easier. That and I could make animated cartoons on it. Important stuff. Seriously though, I still use the programming language in Excel more than 20 years later. I took BASIC in high school and college and both were well worth the time.
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Considering her stance on the use of mathematics to extrapolate the severity of a viral outbreak, it's not surprising in the least that she doesn't understand the concept of an actual 'tax shelter', or even that she most likely has one herself in the form of a 401k account.
Let's go back to the basics. The mathematics to extrapolate the severity of a viral outbreak depends on what information?
I've been reading articles from her site. damn insomnia.
I work nights so this is normal for me. My entire living room just blew up with blue light and I heard an electrical discharge. Walked outside and about 2 houses down there was a tree on fire and it all smelled like burnt electrical air. Called Mr 911 to let them know things were getting crispy.
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I work nights so this is normal for me. My entire living room just blew up with blue light and I heard an electrical discharge. Walked outside and about 2 houses down there was a tree on fire and it all smelled like burnt electrical air. Called Mr 911 to let them know things were getting crispy.
We've lost 2 huge pines and 2 tangelo trees to lightning in last 3 years. Pleasures of living in the Tampa Bay.
We've lost 2 huge pines and 2 tangelo trees to lightning in last 3 years. Pleasures of living in the Tampa Bay.
We had a lightening strike 50 feet away 2 years ago that scarred a 75 foot tree to the ground. Lilreb and our dog were standing on the porch at the time. I walked out as it hit, he said "I think it's time to go inside".
We live near the naval base and the storms here get pretty bad.
Too bad about the trees. At my home as a teen we had one get struck twice.... What's that expression? Lightening doesn't strike twice...😂
We had a lightening strike 50 feet away 2 years ago that scarred a 75 foot tree to the ground. Lilreb and our dog were standing on the porch at the time. I walked out as it hit, he said "I think it's time to go inside".
We live near the naval base and the storms here get pretty bad.
Too bad about the trees. At my home as a teen we had one get struck twice.... What's that expression? Lightening doesn't strike twice...😂
I'm an overachiever at 4 times. Me and the dog were sitting probably 10 feet away from the 1st strike. Ever since then, anytime it rains or starts to storm the dog is hiding in the bathroom.
Maine Governor Orders Restaurant Staff To Wear COVID-Visors Like Dog-Cones

Governor Janet Mills’ decree states that “front-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down,” reports Maine Public Radio.

Given that air conditioning units can facilitate the spread of coronavirus, Mills’ order looks like another ridiculous and pointless measure.

“As a symbol of submission, forcing us to obliterate our individuality by wearing masks was not explicit enough,” writes Dave Blount. “So they pushed the envelope even further. No one can miss the significance of making people wear dog cones.”

Soon we shall be taught to sit on command, roll over, play dead, shake, and play fetch. San Fran already has crapping outside down.
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If the virus is basically under control by the end of September, big 10 country is gonna be big sad.
We might let them watch some SEC football. They just have to agree that the SEC is the better conference. A lot of Big 10 people hate the SEC so they would rather skip the season. It would be quite an interesting experiment.
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