Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

In retrospect, should your political body (AAPP?) have pushed harder in the political arena for common sense approaches for kids, schools, etc? Would it have made a difference?
Oh, the AAP absolutely should have. The problem is that this was all politicized, and the AAP is a heavily left-leaning group of libs with nothing but wusses at the top.

There have been plenty of doctors (and some politicians) that have tried to speak up, be more honest with information, remain open to therapeutic alternatives, and question things like school closures, masks, lockdowns, and vaccine safety. They have been repeatedly attacked, silenced, or shamed by the media. Now, much of what they have been saying all along is looking more and more like the truth.

Of course, there will be no admission by the CDC, Fauci, states that enacted Draconian measures, MSM, teachers' unions, etc that they were wrong.
Not a Republican voting state in sight. Why are you guys so scared of a little 5G?

Here’s another nice data set to look at lady. Seems your vaccination cult isn’t required and we’re enjoying life as normal. But sure your “not one Republican voting state...” dumbassery cuts to the bone. 🤡

Not a Republican voting state in sight. Why are you guys so scared of a little 5G?

It’s probably multiple factors at play here. If I had to make a few hypotheses:

1- redder states are no longer locked down as tight and the people don’t feel as big of an incentive

2- peer pressure that leftists and their businesses put on others to conform

3- Democrats generally think more collectively than individually when they make decisions like this
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