Masks only stop about 10 percent of exhaled droplets. This was recently proven. They are a false sense of security and are detrimental to children's health. Children should never wear them.
If you don't believe me read the University of Louisville mask study findings, as well as the recently published University of Waterloo findings.
If people want to protect themselves the best thing to do is be healthier over all if you can be. The obese (especially if they have other morbidities) are much more at risk for complications than another person of their age. The elderly should get vaccines. Even though the vaccines aren't that good they are better than nothing if you need them. If you are healthy, and under 50, then you probably don't need the vaccine. Take it if you want though I suppose.
Luckily, better therapeutics are coming out which will be of great benefit. There are already mutiple things out there that work too. They will help us with much more deadly corona viruses in the future.