The incredible nursing shortage continues. A long as hospitals impose unbelievable tight restraints on nurses, they will leave.
I just heard this morning the hospital I left because it was dangerous to my license working there are now assigning 2 nurses 7 icu pts with shared responsibility over 1. People die like that.
I also found out they are going to make it mandatory for the vaccine at my hospital. I’m tripling every night with vented ICU pts on multiple drips. They cannot afford to lose 1 more RN. They will make it mandatory for “safety” they will lose more RNs. It almost feels purposeful. Like someone is that incompetent on hiring and retention on purpose. That’s the story at every hospital I’ve been in traveling for the last year.
I was also told this morning that my restraint charting for 6 am was not in yet and has to be done by 6. It was 610. I replied “ when my pt care is done, then admin can run their reports when my charting is in. I’m sorry admin is uncomfortable they can’t run their compliance reports right now for their 0830 mtg”