Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

For a pathogen to be so "strong" that simply getting a few particles per billion transferred into your eyes from the air someone else exhaled in the same room...that's a very deadly infection. Ebola was blood borne. So if you didnt have physical contact touching an infected person or corpse you're OK. Influenza and other common pathogens you can generally be safe from wearing a cheap mask so that you do not breathe it in. If that article from that chinese Dr. Is true...and only a single microorganism or 2 that managed to land in your eye leads to infection...this may very well end up a global pandemic. Already a couple cases of it in mainland US.

This can be extremely deadly but hopefully our .gov will take the necessary precautions to keep it out of the US. What worries me is that they are saying it is already on its 3rd generation (mutation) in such a short time...the couple weeks since we have known about it.
Once they die the transmission route is cut. This is sad. They don't have enough bunny suits, masks much less negative pressure rooms to help them. Low on testing kits already. WHO will probably step in.
This would indicate to me that the reported deaths and infected are only the tip of the iceberg in China. If that is true I should say.
Is this the same family infection as pneumonia?

What about children? Any cases reported of the young being affected?

My theory on that is, we all think China is lying about the numbers involved anyhow but how crazy would the world go if it got out that their screwup in care and reporting included dead kids.

Don’t most bugs seem to hit hardest the elderly, immune compromised and small children? It’s interesting that the released data on China’s deaths so far are folks predominantly over age 60.

Cuba Gooding Jr better find that monkey fast.
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My theory on that is, we all think China is lying about the numbers involved anyhow but how crazy would the world go if it got out that their screwup in care and reporting included dead kids.

Don’t most bugs seem to hit hardest the elderly, immune compromised and small children? It’s interesting that the released data on China’s deaths so far are folks predominantly over age 60.
You think the world that gets cheap Nikes and Apple phones made in sweatshops in China gives a rat's ass about Chinese kids?
Tweet posted in china thread says UK researchers predict 250k cases in Wuhan alone within 10 That is science fiction level scary....if this goes global???

Read where chinese gov opened a bio lab in Wuhan in 2018....coincident?
It's about time we had another 1918 Flu epidemic/cull the weak episode. All of my grandparents lived through it and gave birth to my parents so I might have good enough genes to weather this latest mistake by China. I find it interesting that these nasty ass bugs always seem to originate in China. Why is that and why does their entire population walk around with masks on all of the time? Hmmm.
It's about time we had another 1918 Flu epidemic/cull the weak episode. All of my grandparents lived through it and gave birth to my parents so I might have good enough genes to weather this latest mistake by China. I find it interesting that these nasty ass bugs always seem to originate in China. Why is that and why does their entire population walk around with masks on all of the time? Hmmm.

Do some research on the Chinese culture and the foods they eat.

It is repulsive and dangerous.
It's about time we had another 1918 Flu epidemic/cull the weak episode. All of my grandparents lived through it and gave birth to my parents so I might have good enough genes to weather this latest mistake by China. I find it interesting that these nasty ass bugs always seem to originate in China. Why is that and why does their entire population walk around with masks on all of the time? Hmmm.
That killed Hop Sing's mother.....seriously.
I'm honestly not sure if the Chinese are screwing around with diseases and one got out or they are just nasty ass people.
I remember reading one time about Hop Sing on Bonanza, and that flu killed his mother. I don't remember his real name, but I believe he was from San Fran.
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Why is that and why does their entire population walk around with masks on all of the time? Hmmm.

Some of that is because their population has reached 1.4 billion and in their culture, there is no such thing as personal space or respect for someone else's.

Literally, there are no "less crowded" days in that region. Take into consideration how many people you see here stateside, that may or may not wash their hands or do something that's unsanitary throughout the course of the day. Now times that by 4 and that's China.

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