A player you couldn't help but admire no matter which team you cheer for. Though I am not a niners fan, I had to admire them taking him knowing it was possible he would never see the field in the NFL. I know he did everything he would to rehab. And had he been successful in that rehab and made his NFL debut, I would have been a niners fan for at least one day. I hope he does well in whatever decision he makes for his future.
I dont know his speaking skills. Seemed like a humble guy handing ball to refs when he scored ala Barry Sanders. If he can talk about the game maybe he would be a good SEC network representative.
Brings up interesting thought. How much of USCjr fall is related to being without Lattimore and Clowney? I know some can be attributed to them moving on, but I think without OBC recruiting some very close to those two's talents USCjr goes back to being mediocre.
I hate it for him. Who was it that blew up his knee. I want to say cam Sutton but if he's been out of two years it couldn't be him. Either way... I fell bad for him. He didn't really have a chance to make his money. And he was a Adrian Peterson caliber talent