Layla Kiffin

Note to Coach Kiff......keep the wife away from the basketball offices.....
She's the product of a Gator!

And her brother works at South Carolina!

The life of a football coach's wife

In an interview before the Raiders won their last two games, Layla - yes, her parents were Eric Clapton fans - said the criticism has been muted. "It's been OK so far. I expected it each week to get worse and worse, and it hasn't."

That may have been because, even while losing, the Raiders looked much improved over last year's 2-14 mess. But Layla, 32, is well aware how quickly the fortunes of a coach can turn for the worse.

Her father, John Reaves, an All-America quarterback at Florida who played 11 seasons in the NFL, coached for many years before going into commercial real estate. He was on the staff of Brad Scott at South Carolina. Scott was fired after a 1-10 season in 1998.
Did any of you hear what she mumbled during the photo op? she mumbled something and CLK pushed the mic down, sure it was nothing, but it seemed funny.

"So this is what the South is like! I can get used to this"
If she ever gets to the point where she scowls, I think she will still be sexy...
I posted this same thing yesterday when his wife's picture popped up. BEWARE!! Good looking coaches( and wives for that matter) does NOT translate into good coaching-- aka Mike Shula and family. When I was in Bama, I joked that at least they got a good looking coach...and that was all they got. IMHO, we needed a dog ugly coach, but one who could coach and command respect. The jury is out and the clock is ticking....

This is half serious and half joking... not sure which is which
no wonder he has 3 kids. looks like his wife will be the biggest competition to kiffs time for recruiting.
Boy, Mikey should stick to the radio waves...kinda Bizarro-world Randy Quaid.

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