Layla Kiffin

In my personal experience only the weather and ocean are a drawing card for Cali. Like it has been posted.....great place to visit, but I'll gladly stay in the south east.
In my personal experience only the weather and ocean are a drawing card for Cali. Like it has been posted.....great place to visit, but I'll gladly stay in the south east.

I went to Cali for the UCLA game, and we formed the same opinion as you.
I doubt it... and she probably wears jorts.


Not jorts, but a Jirt.
UT's head coaches have a history of divorce, so she may be available before you know it. :pimp_2:
Kiffin recruiting landed Layla in 3 months....if that kind of salesmanship can do that.......recruiting is not going to be a problem at UT with Kiffin!
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California---fun to visit, especially LA area, SF and San Diego, but the quality of life (traffic, high cost of living, etc.) is not that great.

Amen... I have family that lived there, and they always referred to it as the land of Fruits and Nuts.... :)

I visited there several times and the only place I'd want to live is San Diego- LA is nasty and once you're off the coast, there ain't much o anything. Ask Barstow...

YouTube - Barstow 2008
Kiffin recruiting landed Layla in 3 months....if that kind of salesmanship can do that.......recruiting is not going to be a problem at UT with Kiffin!

we will probably get 4 out of the top 5 recuits by saturday the 5th one will come on sunday
Amen... I have family that lived there, and they always referred to it as the land of Fruits and Nuts.... :)

I visited there several times and the only place I'd want to live is San Diego- LA is nasty and once you're off the coast, there ain't much o anything. Ask Barstow...

YouTube - Barstow 2008

LOL I was stationed in Barstow in 1989. That place is a dump.:eek:lol:
I like east Tennessee better then LA/California. I was disappointed when I got out there.
Layla Kiffin---hottest coach's wife in the U.S. (although Gene Chizik's wife is pretty hot also)


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