In that case, why does it matter if Iran has nuclear capabilities?
I don't want Iran to have nuclear capabilities. I wish Israel didn't have nuclear capabilities. As long as one side has it, the other's always going to pursue it. Simple fact.
What bothers me about the Christian arguements is how they totally go against what is purported to be Christian belief. Hate, kill, they deserve it... totally contradicts what I was taught the Bible was about. Weird how principles are so easily thrown out the window.
Let me ask you this, what do you think would be Jesus's response to this situation? Would He wipe Iran off the face of the earth, or would He turn the other cheek? Keep in mind He willingly went to His death. As the Son of God, He could have stopped it, but He didn't. He followed His principles to the end. Isn't the goal of Christianity to become Christ-like? It's a goal man will always fall short of, but isn't He the example to strive for?
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Jesus would invade Iran. It goes against His portrayal in the Bible, but then again, people only use the Bible as a resource when it supports their arguement. Strange how that works.
One last thought, IYO, why does God tolerate the existence of these other religions? Are all followers of different faiths doomed to Hell? It's strange to me that a loving God would allow so many of His people to follow that path. Many other religions are peaceful in nature, more peaceful than Islam or Christianity. They consist of good people who live good lives. Is that all for naught? Are they going to Hell anyway despite living a less sinful life than many Christians?
I'm not trying to offend, but I suspect I will. I'm just curious how you adapt your faith to the concepts you espouse. You're certainly entitled to your opinions, I'm just curious as to how you reached them.