Lotta democrats in this thread.
Nah, just a bunch of pinko commies
I am sure there are plenty of Dems who love America but for those on the far left, i am less sure. At very least the things they love about it are very different from the rest of us and patriotism is seen as a suckers bet or foolish because they see our country has been a force for bad in the world.
I remember him singing at halftime of the UT/Minnesota Liberty Bowl the year we won 6 straight to make the postseason. It was cool because the song says "from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee." Both sides went crazy.
I was in the Pride then and the halftime show coordinator for the Liberty Bowl actually told Lee Greenwood to cut that verse out of his performance to save time. I thought he was going to have a stroke.
its a turbul song and if you don't think it is, you suck.
FYP, I agree.
I'm a patriot, but I think the song standing on its own ain't so bad, just can't stand LG or the idea that a song written in my lifetime is held up as being in a class with The Star Spangled Banner or God Bless America.
The cheesy wall of sound arrangement and LG's voice just makes me want to excuse myself to take a dump. It exemplifies all that was bad about early 80's highly produced pop country.