Leftist Violence Against Peaceful Trump Rallies

He's not.
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No. Just educating those of you who don't know what it is.

It does not protect you from private citizens or a business/employer who has a problem with what you said.
You sound like a Soviet.
No. Just educating those of you who don't know what it is.

It does not protect you from private citizens or a business/employer who has a problem with what you said.
And 2nd of all, I don't think you, as an America hater, should be in charge of music.
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Your ignorance is astounding.

That is how it works. It only applies to the government.

Did you not get to sixth grade or something?
You get one like every 2 comments....
Nope. Just another typical right winger that doesn't know what Freedom of Speech is.

You can't be arrested for it.

You are open to any and all other forms of criticism or reaction from non government entities.

It doesn't protect you from an azz kicking when you cross the line.
Lol might want to study your TCA
Nope. Just another typical right winger that doesn't know what Freedom of Speech is.

You can't be arrested for it.

You are open to any and all other forms of criticism or reaction from non government entities.

It doesn't protect you from an azz kicking when you cross the line.

Sure thing

So in your world you give others power over yourself by the words they use. And youโ€™re so fragile that things I might say would cause you to throw punches?

Yup. Youโ€™re a victim that canโ€™t get through the day without your crutch.
Sure thing

So in your world you give others power over yourself by the words they use. And youโ€™re so fragile that things I might say would cause you to throw punches?

Yup. Youโ€™re a victim that canโ€™t get through the day without your crutch.
Emotionally stunted fragile idiots. Overly dominant emotional females with no father figure in the home usually causes that
99% of the time this is exactly what happens. This lady is very lucky.....the VAST majority of the time the old folks, women or skinny little minors get attacked from behind and never see it coming. Often times with a brick, baseball bat, brass knuckles, mace etc etc....the worst cowards I have ever seen.

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Emotionally stunted fragile idiots. Overly dominant emotional females with no father figure in the home usually causes that

Hope people here really stop to think about this comment. It is the number 1 reason for all this violence, and especially the cowardly way it is conducted. Black kids live in a fatherless home 70% of the time, white kids are up to about 50% now. THIS IS HUGE. This is the biggest factor. Don't assume its because of a deadbeat Dad, either. Many of these women don't want Dad anymore, or want him involved in Juniors life. They just want a check, whether child support or from the .gov......or often times both.

Kids without a Dad, especially boys, dont know how to become a decent man. They have no example at home to live by. Mom dominates their lives, or many times.....doesn't. She is only worried about her new man, social life, Facebook etc etc and can't be bothered to raise her kids properly. Kids that grow up without a Dad never get Dads foot put in their azzes either. How many times did you guys think twice about doing something dumb...bc you knew that your Dad would kill you for it.?? This is also a big part of the reason these losers only fight in packs of 20 vs 1 weaker old opponent...they are SCARED TO DEATH to actually get punched in the mouth. Never suffered any real pain, because Mamas whipping quit hurting by age 10...and she probably quit doing it not long after she realized it wasn't working anymore. My parents whipped us with leather belts on bare azz and legs. My Mamaw made us pick switches or "hickorys" and it was 100 times worse. Left whelps on the backs of my knees that would burn for days in the summer, especially when I got sweaty from running around the holler in East Tennessee.

The statistics are plain to see. As obvious as a fact could ever be. Kids without a Dad in the home are 10x as likely to not finish HS, 20x as likely to use drugs, 20x as likely to go to prison......every single bad outcome for your child is multiplied many times over for a kid without a Dad in the home. Race, color, religion. None of that really matters. Whether a child has both parents in the home or not is the single biggest factor in how much they accomplish in life. Yet this ALWAYS gets swept under the rug and other people get all the blame for failures in these kids lives.

The problem that makes 13% of Americans (black males) commit 52% of violent crime isnt systemic racism, police brutality, global warming, or white supremacists(largely non existent. I have personally NEVER even seen 1 before) ...these are EXCUSES for those 13% .... the problem is a family problem. Its a community problem, and individuals themselves problem. White folks and now Latinos are quickly bringing up the rear in these statistics. IT is very sad, for the kids that is. The adults involved made conscious decisions, and are responsible for it all. These kids never asked to be born into broken homes. Having sex before marriage has serious consequences.
Hope people here really stop to think about this comment. It is the number 1 reason for all this violence, and especially the cowardly way it is conducted. Black kids live in a fatherless home 70% of the time, white kids are up to about 50% now. THIS IS HUGE. This is the biggest factor. Don't assume its because of a deadbeat Dad, either. Many of these women don't want Dad anymore, or want him involved in Juniors life. They just want a check, whether child support or from the .gov......or often times both.

Kids without a Dad, especially boys, dont know how to become a decent man. They have no example at home to live by. Mom dominates their lives, or many times.....doesn't. She is only worried about her new man, social life, Facebook etc etc and can't be bothered to raise her kids properly. Kids that grow up without a Dad never get Dads foot put in their azzes either. How many times did you guys think twice about doing something dumb...bc you knew that your Dad would kill you for it.?? This is also a big part of the reason these losers only fight in packs of 20 vs 1 weaker old opponent...they are SCARED TO DEATH to actually get punched in the mouth. Never suffered any real pain, because Mamas whipping quit hurting by age 10...and she probably quit doing it not long after she realized it wasn't working anymore. My parents whipped us with leather belts on bare azz and legs. My Mamaw made us pick switches or "hickorys" and it was 100 times worse. Left whelps on the backs of my knees that would burn for days in the summer, especially when I got sweaty from running around the holler in East Tennessee.

The statistics are plain to see. As obvious as a fact could ever be. Kids without a Dad in the home are 10x as likely to not finish HS, 20x as likely to use drugs, 20x as likely to go to prison......every single bad outcome for your child is multiplied many times over for a kid without a Dad in the home. Race, color, religion. None of that really matters. Whether a child has both parents in the home or not is the single biggest factor in how much they accomplish in life. Yet this ALWAYS gets swept under the rug and other people get all the blame for failures in these kids lives.

The problem that makes 13% of Americans (black males) commit 52% of violent crime isnt systemic racism, police brutality, global warming, or white supremacists(largely non existent. I have personally NEVER even seen 1 before) ...these are EXCUSES for those 13% .... the problem is a family problem. Its a community problem, and individuals themselves problem. White folks and now Latinos are quickly bringing up the rear in these statistics. IT is very sad, for the kids that is. The adults involved made conscious decisions, and are responsible for it all. These kids never asked to be born into broken homes. Having sex before marriage has serious consequences.
Itโ€™s good to know that I wasnโ€™t the only one having to go get those dam$ switches. And we knew better than to come back with an old switch, it had to be green. Lol
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Ah, yes, we need to assault our kids to teach them that assaulting people is wrong. Makes total sense.
We can go all day posting pics of violence. We have the FACTS.

Domestic terrorism is a right wing problem.

Hate crimes are a right wing problem.

Discrimination is a right wing problem.

One side is full of hate while the other fights for equality and a better life for all.

sick bstrd
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Nope. Just another typical right winger that doesn't know what Freedom of Speech is.

You can't be arrested for it.

You are open to any and all other forms of criticism or reaction from non government entities.

It doesn't protect you from an azz kicking when you cross the line.
You are protected from an ass kicking if you have not physically attacked anyone. If someone physically attacks you is is some form of assault. It is a crime, likely a felony.
You are protected from an ass kicking if you have not physically attacked anyone. If someone physically attacks you is is some form of assault. It is a crime, likely a felony.

The vast, vast majority of people, probably at least 95%, have no reason to be instigating any type of violent act, they are not trained, they have no experience, they, unless protecting themselves or someone else from an attack, need to relax and walk away.

Yet, people gonna people........and learning lessons sometimes has serious no take back ramifications.
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You are protected from an ass kicking if you have not physically attacked anyone. If someone physically attacks you is is some form of assault. It is a crime, likely a felony.
Maybe protected legally. Still isn't going to stop the fist to the face. Your redress is the aftermath (and a visit to the dentist).

People are stupid and when emotions rule, the law is not foremost on their minds.
Maybe protected legally. Still isn't going to stop the fist to the face. Your redress is the aftermath (and a visit to the dentist).

People are stupid and when emotions rule, the law is not foremost on their minds.
Look at the post I was responding to. K-town king is arguing you do not have protection in all cases.
Look at the post I was responding to. K-town king is arguing you do not have protection in all cases.
Well, that goes without saying.

However, there are some laws in some states. . .

CALCRIM No. 2690. Disturbing the Peace: Offensive Words (Pen. Code, ยงยง 415(3), 415.5(a)(3))

To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must
prove that:
1. The defendant used offensive words that were inherently likely to
provoke an immediate violent reaction;
2. When the defendant used those words, (he/she) was (in a public
place/in a building or on the grounds of <insert
description of school from Pen. Code, ยง 415.5>)(;/
Yes...these clowns weighing in as legal experts are hilarious.

Assault can be verbal. Quite stupid, but that is the law. You can "assault" someone by cussing them out and telling them you're gonna pound them. The latter is also "communicating threats" which is a separate misdemeanor they can charge you with. Better off to hush and then kick someone's azz...if you have no other choice or its payback for something very important.

If you physically attack someone, without a weapon, that is battery. Its a misdemeanor, not a felony unless the state could prove that you were trying to dismember/kill someone. When a weapon of ANY kind is involved, you just opened yourself up to a slew of felony charges. Assault w deadly weapon , ADW plus intent to kill, all the way up to attempted murder. Much better off leaving weapons out if it, and handling the problem bare handed. If you can't whip a man's azz barehanded, you best just leave him Alone. Nothing wrong with having the presence of mind to change course rather than putting yourself and others in a bad position.

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