Leftist Violence Against Peaceful Trump Rallies

So since the violence is against peaceful Trump protesters it’s okay right? I guess somehow Trump enticed these people to violence right?
The media's the enemy??

Until Donny gets his own channel. Then they’ll flock to him like a cult leader. He’ll sit there day after day spewing about how the world will end because he’s not president, he was cheated, everybody was mean to him etc etc. And then the Alex Jones-type product hawking will start. “Get your very own Trump Freedom bunker built in your house today!” “Oleander extract - the only cure for COVID” “Buy Trump steaks! They’re bigly juicy!” “MAGA muffins! Mmmmm taste the Freedom.”
Until Donny gets his own channel. Then they’ll flock to him like a cult leader. He’ll sit there day after day spewing about how the world will end because he’s not president, he was cheated, everybody was mean to him etc etc. And then the Alex Jones-type product hawking will start. “Get your very own Trump Freedom bunker built in your house today!” “Oleander extract - the only cure for COVID” “Buy Trump steaks! They’re bigly juicy!” “MAGA muffins! Mmmmm taste the Freedom.”

And people call Trump supporters dumb lol
Hell, why stop there? Why not form the MAGA party and stick it to all those RINOS that voted for Biden?
Beating the $hit out of racists and nazis are always good for the soul. The good book says, see a racist, punch them in their mouth. For when they wake up, they will think about the error of their ways. When you come upon a nazi spouting blasphemous beliefs, beat their ass to show them that their master race ain't $hit.

I dont know of any Nazis but monty says I'm a fascist, close enough for you?

So which waffle house will it be? Your call. Blood will spill and then we can have breakfast afterwards. I got the first round of coffee for VN attendees.

Funny how we never see the beginning.

That is what punk azz right wingers do though. Start crap then get beat up and cry about it. with an edited video. Maybe stop starting stuff and you won't have to have people use self defense you are too old or weak to handle.
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Funny how we never see the beginning.

That is what punk azz right wingers do though. Start crap then get beat up and cry about it. with an edited video. Maybe stop starting stuff and you won't have to have people use self defense you are too old or weak to handle.
Kinda like with the Saint George Fentanyl Floyd video. Or any one of the criminal martyrs of the past year.
Funny how we never see the beginning.

That is what punk azz right wingers do though. Start crap then get beat up and cry about it. with an edited video. Maybe stop starting stuff and you won't have to have people use self defense you are too old or weak to handle.
It is punk azz. Now I know that Pragger U’s credibility is not worth much.
Funny how we never see the beginning.

That is what punk azz right wingers do though. Start crap then get beat up and cry about it. with an edited video. Maybe stop starting stuff and you won't have to have people use self defense you are too old or weak to handle.

My waffle house invitation is extended to you as well...
Funny how we never see the beginning.

That is what punk azz right wingers do though. Start crap then get beat up and cry about it. with an edited video. Maybe stop starting stuff and you won't have to have people use self defense you are too old or weak to handle.

Maybe you can show us some videos showing these right wingers attacking the elderly, females and children.

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