Les Miles wants to do away with permanant SEC opponents...



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Dec 13, 2011
Les Miles: Do away with permanent foes - SEC Blog - ESPN

This article has to be a first, Steve Spurrier actually makes a decent comment about Tennessee without whining...
“Tennessee’s got Alabama, who’s been the best team the last three or four years, and that’s not fair for Tennessee to have to play those guys every year,” Spurrier said. “But I don’t know. Heck, that’s just sort of the way it is. The coaches … we don’t make the rules. We just try to coach our teams the best we can.
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Meh, to be the best you gotta beat the best. I'm sure some thought it was unfair for them when we were kicking their ass in the 90's and early 2000's. No way do I want to get rid of the yearly Alabama game!

I don't either, but he could have complained about his schedule, but he gave props to ours.
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I hate Alabama, but the tradition that is The Third Saturday In October is one thing that I don't want to see go away.

We just have to get better, and I think we will under Jones, to make the rivalry a little more competitive!!

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I love the bama rivalry. But I would be fine with playing them less often. If we regain our power status we should play them every year in the SECCG anyways. Would also like to put the cupcakes Vandy and UK in the early part of the year and move Florida and Georgia to November.
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I would rather have a shot at 'Bama and lose than not get a shot... plus, sometimes we're awesome while they suck. So, it goes both ways.
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The SEC is the best conference in college football because of the competition within the conference. A few years back (more than I would prefer) bama could complain about about having to play us every year. Why doesn't Miles just propose that the conference be dissolved?
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Les is tired of Alabama kicking LSU's a&&. He's a clueless whiner

Yes, and I'm tired of bama kicking UT's azz as well, but I think Les is unhappy with LSU having UF as their permanent crossp-dvisional rival while Bama gets UT. The best way to fix that is for UT to become a power again, and I think we just hired the guy to do that.
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Spurrier is losing his edge... he is being some what nice to UT.

Truth is, Spurrier is not as a bad a guy as he's made out to be. He knew even back then the game was passing Fulmer by. Combined with the rejection he received from the UT, he constantly needled us. BUT he also had respect. When Florida beat us once under his command, one of his players came to him and made a statement. He said, "Coach, what's makes them feel like they even have a chance?" Spurrier answered, "Tennessee isn't afraid of anybody." As a fan base, we've just been butt hurt he beat us consistently, then needled us about it.
No worse than our own attitude about the UK, VU, and for a while UGA.
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I love the bama game despite our losses lately. Is wasn't that long ago we owned them though. Times will change sooner than later though I hope.
the question is do you value rivalries more than temporary problems.

on a personal level, i don't care because florida already lost its western rival (auburn).

but, do you change your schedule permanently because one school or another happens to be on top at the time.

i think it would be bad for auburn-georgia or alabama-tennessee to go away

and as usual everyone is concerned about themselves. no one is concerned about the other schools that they don't perceive to be a threat
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and spurrier is being selfish too.

spurrier is upset because georgia got a favorable western schedule the last couple of years
let me also say that it's not just the permanent opponent thing they are upset about.

this season the top 3 west division teams play the eastern opponents as follows....

lsu plays florida and georgia

texas a&m plays vanderbilt and missouri

alabama plays kentucky and tennessee
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Spurrier is losing his edge... he is being some what nice to UT.

Or maybe youre forgetting how spurrier speaks. He's not saying its not fair for us to have to play them because alabama is so good, hes saying its not fair for us to have to play them because we arent good enough to, bc we suck that bad.
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