Les Miles wants to do away with permanant SEC opponents...

My responses are in blue...this is fun.

I'd be more inclined to agree with your opinion if it focused on everything UF didn't accomplish pre-Spurrier.

Both of you guys are good sports.

You seem to be very offended though that, in my view, you haven't hit your ceiling yet nor do you or anyone else seem inclined to really challenge your administration to get you there.

This isn't about what you HAVE done, which is what you seem to want to divert the conversation towards, but what you SHOULD be doing with your available resources.

Yes, I have compared you to Georgia, who hasn't won any titles in the same time period. If you use talent to judge performance, you actually far under perform what Georgia has done with theirs. Again, the point is that even with the recruits that you get (which makes the argument about who else is recruiting against you totally moot) you are recruiting to a level of consistently top 2 in the SEC. The other team who out recruits you, you don't even play regularly. Top 2 in the SEC means, at least over the past 3 or so years, top 2 in the country talent wise.

You tell me that I am not being objective. Apparently you think that the measure of objectivity is how closely the answer correlates to your subjective feelings. That is the opposite of objectivity. Also, the more we converse the more you try to prove that Florida is doing all it can because of how successful they have been. How does winning three national championships prove that you shouldn't have won more? How does the fact that what you have done is rare, mean that you shouldn't be capable of more? Answer: it doesn't, objectively.

All of those winning percentages and debates are great, but all that matters is that talent you have available and what you have done with it.

If you are happy, maybe I shouldn't poke the sleeping dog. If anyone at UF woke up and really tried to drive the race car that you have to its fullest potential, the rest of us would be severely outmatched, even Alabama. That is a bold statement because you are doing so well now, but whatever.... If you are happy, I am happy for you.
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The debate will probably never go away unless they scrap the geographic element from the divisions, and find a way to put the rivals together.
The debate will probably never go away unless they scrap the geographic element from the divisions, and find a way to put the rivals together.

I actually think divisions are useless. We should just go to a 13 game season with no out of conference play. No SEC championship game because winner will simply be the team who comes out on top. Tie breakers are settled head to head.
it's not fair that tennessee has to play alabama every year---alabama is the best team in the country

I can't believe you would even make that statement. I hope you were being sarcastic, or at least reconsider and lie about the fact that you actually weren't.

Bet you didn't care when you were handing our head to us for a decade.

It's a comin........again!
Both of you guys are good sports.

You seem to be very offended though that, in my view, you haven't hit your ceiling yet nor do you or anyone else seem inclined to really challenge your administration to get you there. (I'm not offended, I'm thoroughly entertained by the notion that UF alums like myself should be disappointed with the past 20 years. Unless Florida re-writes the NCAA record book, the program is a failure in your opinion. That's not offensive, it's downright hilarious.)

This isn't about what you HAVE done, which is what you seem to want to divert the conversation towards, but what you SHOULD be doing with your available resources. (Resources UF shares with two in-state schools with a combined 7 national titles, not to mention every other major D-1 school cherry-picking the Sunshine State for elite talent.)

Yes, I have compared you to Georgia, who hasn't won any titles in the same time period. If you use talent to judge performance, you actually far under perform what Georgia has done with theirs. (And there goes your credibility...Georgia competes in state with Georgia Tech, a perennial mediocre program who's even managed to win a national title more recently than UGA.) Again, the point is that even with the recruits that you get (which makes the argument about who else is recruiting against you totally moot) you are recruiting to a level of consistently top 2 in the SEC. The other team who out recruits you, you don't even play regularly. Top 2 in the SEC means, at least over the past 3 or so years, top 2 in the country talent wise. (That other team has been the standard of excellence in the Southeastern Conference for as long as you've been alive.)

You tell me that I am not being objective. (You aren't.) Apparently you think that the measure of objectivity is how closely the answer correlates to your subjective feelings. That is the opposite of objectivity. (Or perhaps in your opinion the measure of "objectivity" is holding UF to the highest standard in all of college football...and beyond.) Also, the more we converse the more you try to prove that Florida is doing all it can because of how successful they have been. How does winning three national championships prove that you shouldn't have won more? How does the fact that what you have done is rare, mean that you shouldn't be capable of more? Answer: it doesn't, objectively. (Sure it does, relative to other CFB programs not named Alabama who've failed to match our accomplishments the past two decades.)

All of those winning percentages and debates are great, but all that matters is that talent you have available and what you have done with it. (Yet you attempted to use statistics and percentages to suggest that elite recruits in Florida should flock to Gainesville because it's a half-day's drive away. Got it.)

If you are happy, maybe I shouldn't poke the sleeping dog. (If I was as upset as you think I should be, I'd be the most delusional CFB fan on the planet outside of Harvey Updyke.) If anyone at UF woke up and really tried to drive the race car that you have to its fullest potential, the rest of us would be severely outmatched, even Alabama. (Yawn...nothing short of UF running off 3 national titles every decade would impress you...who's being unreasonable, me or you?) That is a bold statement because you are doing so well now, but whatever.... (Brilliant use of "whatever" to hammer home your point.) If you are happy, I am happy for you. (And I feel sorry for you. Whatever expectations UF failed to live up to in your mind is dwarfed by Tennessee's shortcomings over the past 5 years.)

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Based on parity? The conference would be realigned every 3 years. Last year, it could have realigned during the season.

If UT becomes relevant and Johnny Football goes pro the conference dynamic has shifted. Pick 2 sides (that divisional round robin counts) and play 2 games from the other side that don't count in the conference standings. I like that.

This is the issue. The coaches seem to want a permanent solution to a temporary issue. I understand why. Coaches careers are somewhat temporary.

It may be Tennessee (I sure hope it is!!) or it may be someone else, but before too long another team is going to emerge and be really good. It may be for a year or two, or it may be for a decade. But, it will happen. And, as hard as it is to believe, 'Bama is going to slide at at some point. No matter how you mix it up, some team is going to draw a soft schedule some years, and another team is going to have to run the gauntlet. It's the nature of sports.

As for playing Alabama every year in the interest of tradition, I don't really care either way. With the commercialization of the SEC, national recruiting and the "hired gun" coaches that have no ties to the universities, much of the passion for tradition has left me. College football, and Tennessee specificly, is certainly the sport I enjoy most, but, IMO at least, it's just not the same as it once was.

If the SEC had any interest in preserving tradition, there wouldn't be fourteen teams in the conference.

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