Less Mo Couch for Vols on Saturday

Wonder how many Vol fans said this when USC was being investigated for an agent paying Bush?..........................

At least with what we hear so far, the difference with Reggie Bush and Couch (and Bray) is that Bush received 100,000's of thousands in benefits and the coaches new about it.

I do though struggle with how I would react to this story if it did not involve Tennessee.
But..but..Dooley ran a clean program and recruited only high character 3 star players so they could be vfl.... lol

He was clueless on every level n if true tn should make mo repay his scholarship money.. freaking 1200 dollars I mean really.... maybe just repay it???

Yes because an agent who may have no connection to dooley means he runs a bad program. Or the kid he didnt recruit means he recruits bad guys. Or his top twenty classes means he only recruits low star guys.

Blaming dooley doesn't change anything. Hes gone. People need to get over it.
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Of all the ppl to "allegedly" give money to, they pick Mo and Bray???

Dumb Agent IMO. My money would have been on Hunter and Patterson, and maybe Z. Rogers.

Had we not hired a borderline retarded DC then bray would've won more games and went higher. And we forget every expert Still had him as a top 5 or so qb this draft.
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Had we not hired a borderline retarded DC then bray would've won more games and went higher. And we forget every expert Still had him as a top 5 or so qb this draft.

Eleven quarterbacks were taken in the NFL draft. Tyler Bray was not one of them.
Eleven quarterbacks were taken in the NFL draft. Tyler Bray was not one of them.

This. Our Defense didnt determine Tyler's draft position, his immaturity did.

I liked him as a player, he was cocky and had a great arm, but the kid just never grew up.
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At least with what we hear so far, the difference with Reggie Bush and Couch (and Bray) is that Bush received 100,000's of thousands in benefits and the coaches new about it.

I do though struggle with how I would react to this story if it did not involve Tennessee.

The amount of money is and should be irrelevant. It was never proven that USC had knowlege of him being paid benefits by an agent.......at least thats what I remembered from the case.
But..but..Dooley ran a clean program and recruited only high character 3 star players so they could be vfl.... lol

He was clueless on every level n if true tn should make mo repay his scholarship money.. freaking 1200 dollars I mean really.... maybe just repay it???

You know CDD wasn't a good hire but not everything is his fault. Let it go man
This heat exhaustion for Couch could last the rest of the season, I wouldn't be suprised!
Lack of transparency and politics is no way to endear yourself to the fan base. Maybe Butch needs a black stripe as well.
I would much rather the university be upfront here. Nobody believes the reason is heat exhaustion and we could have sent a message that we take compliance very seriously. Missed opportunity IMO.
I was saying the exact same thing last night in the main yahoo story thread and all I got was getting pounced upon for saying it... I really do wish you guys well. But unfortunately I know the West Coast media is only going to pounce upon it more and more...
If Mo Couch is guilty of accepting money from this agent, the university cannot allow him to compete for the rest of the year. I do not think the NCAA will hold the University responsible up to this point in that they have an on going program to prevent this from happening. However it is almost impossible to over see players 24 hours each day. But at this point, it has been alleged that M. Couch accepted money and the University in good faith either has to have knowledge that he is innocent or they cannot allow him to participate.
The amount of money is and should be irrelevant. It was never proven that USC had knowlege of him being paid benefits by an agent.......at least thats what I remembered from the case.

I don't see how the amount of money could possibly be irrelevant. It's incredibly important.

I also seem to remember that it wasn't just an agent with bush but also a booster or boosters. I know that the NCAA investigation focused on the agent and that USC's involvement was never proven. Of course, by that standard, the allegations against Couch have yet to be proven either. I'd rather compare what we all know was actually going on rather than what the NCAA was able to successfully document after the fact.

What the money was supposed to be for is important to me, even if it doesn't matter to the NCAA. I have a much bigger issue with giving players money as part of a recruiting program a la Miami than I do with agents giving players "advances" based on their future income. The former is a big problem for parity and integrity. The latter is almost impossible to prevent and has only a second order effect on parity.
Of all the ppl to "allegedly" give money to, they pick Mo and Bray???

Dumb Agent IMO. My money would have been on Hunter and Patterson, and maybe Z. Rogers.

With "B" players you get a bride discount. Instead of $10K or more, Mo gets around $1300 dollars. Haven't heard about Bray but rumor was he was looking for beer bottle money and gas money for the Sea Doo to ride dangerously.
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I would much rather the university be upfront here. Nobody believes the reason is heat exhaustion and we could have sent a message that we take compliance very seriously. Missed opportunity IMO.

Some don't like it but it's smart IMO. This story helps them avoid making the allegations an even bigger story and causing distractions for the team. It also leaves them an out, in case they find the allegations are either BS or unprovable before game time, they can say "good news, Couch received IV fluids and is ready to play", without additional distractions.

For anyone upset over this less-than-100%-honest strategy, welcome to big-time college football. It's dog eat dog and we're just trying to keep from being eaten, IMO.
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Im sure he's feeling the heat alright....and the door if up to me. Ridiculous, no matter where you stand on the debate of paying athletes. He knew it was wrong, first of all. And secondly, cash, man the stuff cant be traced. WTH was he thinking?
Heat exhaustion is the lightest thing he will feel if these allegations cost UT more penalties while we are on probation.
Lack of transparency and politics is no way to endear yourself to the fan base. Maybe Butch needs a black stripe as well.

I am of the opinion that a lie is always wrong. But I also consider motive and judge the heart when deciding how bent I will get over things.

It looks like Couch was indeed suffering from the heat, so there appears to have been a sliver of truth in there.

Most likely, CBJ was protecting the player in this-- an admirable motive.

I don't see any ill-intent in his motives, so I won't get too bent about it, and won't let it inhibit the "endear" process. :)
Heat exhaustion is the lightest thing he will feel if these allegations cost UT more penalties while we are on probation.

Again: UT was not a part of the process, so there will be no UT penalties. It may effect a few wins on the record. It may effect Couch's eligibility.

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