How can one kid be so very wrong so very often??
Hitler was never considered a Christian
by anyone, especially himself. (he did
belong to some homosexual groups.)
As a matter of fact he used some very
derogatory terms to describe Christianity.
I posted several of his quotes in the naacp
However he praised islam extensively.
All the fascist leaders were in league
with various moslem forces, Moussolini
took the title; 'defender of islam.'
The Pope never raised any troops for the
nazis, the islamic mufti of Jerusalem did
raise three divisions of SS troops that
served the nazis.
They were so avidly brutal and sadistic
that some of Hitler's generals complained
to him but he told them that was a good
thing and not to bring it up again.
The following is an example:
"During our journey toward the hill
of Javor, near Srebrenica and Ozren, all
the Serbian villages which we came across
were wholly massacred. In the villages
between Vlasenica and Kladanj we discovered
children who had been impaled upon stakes,
their small limbs still distorted by pain,
resembling insects stuck through by pins."
The above quote is from:
"Assassins au nom de Dieu"
Author: Herve Lauriere
Paris, 1951, page 58