Gs, the Catholic Church was allied with the Nazis, too. Hitler was a Christian, after all.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
How can one kid be so very wrong so very often??
Hitler was never considered a Christian
by anyone, especially himself. (he did
belong to some homosexual groups.)
As a matter of fact he used some very
derogatory terms to describe Christianity.
I posted several of his quotes in the naacp
However he praised islam extensively.
All the fascist leaders were in league
with various moslem forces, Moussolini
took the title; 'defender of islam.'
The Pope never raised any troops for the
nazis, the islamic mufti of Jerusalem did
raise three divisions of SS troops that
served the nazis.
They were so avidly brutal and sadistic
that some of Hitler's generals complained
to him but he told them that was a good
thing and not to bring it up again.
The following is an example:
"During our journey toward the hill
of Javor, near Srebrenica and Ozren, all
the Serbian villages which we came across
were wholly massacred. In the villages
between Vlasenica and Kladanj we discovered
children who had been impaled upon stakes,
their small limbs still distorted by pain,
resembling insects stuck through by pins."
The above quote is from:
"Assassins au nom de Dieu"
Author: Herve Lauriere
Paris, 1951, page 58
I believe in a First Cause/Creator/God. I do not believe in any of the mythology from any of the "revealed" religions.
Ever read the Tao??
Was this a response to the question of whether or not you believe in the Trinity?
Earlier you referred to me as the Artful Dodger; yet, you seem to be the one who is being evasive on such a simple yes or no question here.
I said yes I do believe in the Trinity.
I do not believe in the moslem view of
the Trinity.
For one thing they relegate Jesus to the
status of a prophet rather than being the
Son of God, the Messiah that was prophesized
of in the Old Testament.
Of course Churchill was a militant.
I do not; however, I am not going to label him as anything other than militant. Easily one of the most hawkish statesmen of the past two hundred years.
He was no pacifist appeaser like Champerlain,
I'll give you that.
You would agree though that the fascist and
moslem leaders were more militant, would you
As should over 200,000 troops of the British Empire who died in the Dardanelles and on the shores of Gallipoli due to because Churchill's hawkish hubris kept him from declaring the campaign lost in the early goings. Now that you bring up Churchill's beliefs about Islam, one has to wonder if that also colored his thinking at that time.
His political carreer almost ended early on.
One should always be aware as much as possible
about one's enemies, especially in time of war.
I seriously didn't know at first, but another poster texted me the answer after reading gsvol's clues. The carrots and Willy Wonka-crazy stare have always intrigued me.
Who tipped you off??
Or the 2nd largest population of Jews in the world, that used to live in Alexandria?
What happened to the Jews of Alexandria??