Let's play pretend...

Ok, say this little fairytale comes true. Do we back the truck up to each coaches house, and if so how much are we paying each? How many years do we add on to each contract?
A Butch Jones - Charlie Strong rematch? I like it.

What I like more is how crazy this place gets right before the season starts. By the time we are 2-0, ppl will be predicting that it was Butch Jones on Walker, Texas Ranger, not Chuck Norris.
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This would be a dream scenario. Realistically I think we have a chance to win 8, but 6 or 7 seems more likely.
I'll play along. No one thought A & M would have the season they had last year. Until proven otherwise, I believe we'll be in every game in the 4th quarter... Anything can happen.
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I think this would be a better conversation after the first two games. If the execution is solid on O then maybe we can start thinking about doing something with Oregon or UF.

If UT can avoid bad passes, bad reads, missed assignments, dropped passes, etc... then they really don't have to have a huge playbook early in the season to stay competitive.
The day UT stays within 7 points of Oregon is the day I start pumping the sunshine right with ya bud. I would love to be proven wrong but that game is going to be UGLY.
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This is not too far fetched in all honesty. Defense will have to be drastically improved for this happen though. It seems that all the players have bought into CBJ's system which is a great thing to see especially since this was never the case with Dooley. I have full faith in this football team and their ability to overachieve.
I think most of us are expecting about a 6-6 or 7-5 finish which is definitely an improvement for sure...especially with a new starting QB and Wr's all around in a new spread offense...

And just to preface, I know this isn't exactly realistic...it's just for fun. So to the Negavols who don't know what fun is, hopefully this enlightens you. But let's pretend things go a bit differently than expected... Envision with me...

Let's say we start off the season strong with sold out games to beat Austin Peay and Western Kentucky with ease...

Then we go into Autzen stadium and fight Oregon to the finish and lose by a touchdown or less...which puts us at 2-1.

Then we move on to Florida bummed that we lost to Oregon, but motivated knowing that we hung in there with them. Adding that to the motivation of a huge rivalry game, we beat Florida...and we not only move to 3-1, but we end the near decade losing streak to the Gators and get a few votes for the top 25.

South Alabama poses no problem whatsoever and we win as expected...4-1. We sneak in the rankings at #24.

Georgia knows we always play them hard and whether they are ranked top 5 or not, we always have close games. With home field advantage and a much improved defense, we pull out a close one with the Bulldogs...We are now 5-1 and after this win, some heads are turned and we jump all the way 17th.

Then, JaDaveon Clowney vs Antonio Richardson Part II comes to Knoxville. Clowney may get a sack or 2 but Tiny holds the future #1 draft pick in check for most of the game. Add that to our ability to stop the Gamecocks on defense and suddenly we are 6-1 and ranked 12th.

Time to go to Tuscaloosa. Alabama is good and it's a whole different game with the Tide. Alabama ends up being too much for the Vols to handle. And while respect is earned in this dog fight, we still drop to 6-2 and move down a bit in the polls to 16th.

The Alabama game was rough but it built up a physical and mental toughness we didn't have before. Missouri is struggling this season and we are motivated to show everyone we are on the rise for real giving them a huge loss moving to 7-2 and a slight bump up to 14 in the polls.

Auburn is our homecoming game and they have been having a decent season under their new head coach. They give us a run for our money and we barely escape by a last second field goal...8-2 record and ranked 11th.

Vanderbilt has been under our skin since last season and it's time to put them back in their place. No other game has the Vols motivated to put up a big number on the score board. Rich Franklin is put back in his place as UT wins and are now 9-2. And with a top 10 upset elsewhere we move up to #7.

Finally, Tennessee has to go to Lexington to finish the season. Kentucky hasn't had the improved season they'd hoped for and Tennessee only makes it worse. 10-2 to finish the season and up to 6th.

The Vols win the SEC East and go to Atlanta for the SEC championship against Alabama. Tennessee once again puts up a great fight. But Alabama is just simply better. Tennessee loses a heart breaker, but wins incredible respect. 10-3 and a slight move down to #9 in the polls.

The Vols find themselves BCS Bowl eligible and they land an invitation to play against Louisville...

...To be continued!

If Vols beat Florida, Georgia and Carolina with the only loss to Oregon at that point, there's no way in heck they'll be 12th. 5th for sure. And I agree with another poster; Palardy with the game winner is reaching LOL
To answer some posts (I'm the OP): Yes, I should write fiction. I love to write! haha. I do think even in a pretend world, we lose to 'Bama twice... unfortunately. I love the Strong vs. CBJ Matchup in the Sugar Bowl but I can't even figure out what would happen in my imagination! I agree that seeing Palardy hit a game winning FG was a stretch and as I wrote it I said to myself "this really is pretend." Haha. And overall, it's not impossible... yes very unlikely, but not impossible. I agree with the guy who mentioned A&M last year. Coaching makes all the difference and I believe in CBJ. Realistically I admit 7-5 is where we finish with a bowl bid to play BYU in the GoDaddy Bowl or something like that. Haha. But who knows, dreams have come true before with my Vols!
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This is not too far fetched in all honesty. Defense will have to be drastically improved for this happen though. It seems that all the players have bought into CBJ's system which is a great thing to see especially since this was never the case with Dooley. I have full faith in this football team and their ability to overachieve.

Yes it is.
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I think most of us are expecting about a 6-6 or 7-5 finish which is definitely an improvement for sure...especially with a new starting QB and Wr's all around in a new spread offense...

And just to preface, I know this isn't exactly realistic...it's just for fun. So to the Negavols who don't know what fun is, hopefully this enlightens you. But let's pretend things go a bit differently than expected... Envision with me...

Let's say we start off the season strong with sold out games to beat Austin Peay and Western Kentucky with ease...

Then we go into Autzen stadium and fight Oregon to the finish and lose by a touchdown or less...which puts us at 2-1.

Then we move on to Florida bummed that we lost to Oregon, but motivated knowing that we hung in there with them. Adding that to the motivation of a huge rivalry game, we beat Florida...and we not only move to 3-1, but we end the near decade losing streak to the Gators and get a few votes for the top 25.

South Alabama poses no problem whatsoever and we win as expected...4-1. We sneak in the rankings at #24.

Georgia knows we always play them hard and whether they are ranked top 5 or not, we always have close games. With home field advantage and a much improved defense, we pull out a close one with the Bulldogs...We are now 5-1 and after this win, some heads are turned and we jump all the way 17th.

Then, JaDaveon Clowney vs Antonio Richardson Part II comes to Knoxville. Clowney may get a sack or 2 but Tiny holds the future #1 draft pick in check for most of the game. Add that to our ability to stop the Gamecocks on defense and suddenly we are 6-1 and ranked 12th.

Time to go to Tuscaloosa. Alabama is good and it's a whole different game with the Tide. Alabama ends up being too much for the Vols to handle. And while respect is earned in this dog fight, we still drop to 6-2 and move down a bit in the polls to 16th.

The Alabama game was rough but it built up a physical and mental toughness we didn't have before. Missouri is struggling this season and we are motivated to show everyone we are on the rise for real giving them a huge loss moving to 7-2 and a slight bump up to 14 in the polls.

Auburn is our homecoming game and they have been having a decent season under their new head coach. They give us a run for our money and we barely escape by a last second field goal...8-2 record and ranked 11th.

Vanderbilt has been under our skin since last season and it's time to put them back in their place. No other game has the Vols motivated to put up a big number on the score board. Rich Franklin is put back in his place as UT wins and are now 9-2. And with a top 10 upset elsewhere we move up to #7.

Finally, Tennessee has to go to Lexington to finish the season. Kentucky hasn't had the improved season they'd hoped for and Tennessee only makes it worse. 10-2 to finish the season and up to 6th.

The Vols win the SEC East and go to Atlanta for the SEC championship against Alabama. Tennessee once again puts up a great fight. But Alabama is just simply better. Tennessee loses a heart breaker, but wins incredible respect. 10-3 and a slight move down to #9 in the polls.

The Vols find themselves BCS Bowl eligible and they land an invitation to play against Louisville...

...To be continued!

Yet also, for fun, I'd like to critique your "orange kool aid" predictions with my orange kool aid predictions and tell you where I see a difference in how it would turn out if UT turned it on. Less detailed of course.

UT loses to Oregon by around 14.
UT beats Florida because the Gators have a sub par offense early in the season.
UT loses to the Dawgs by 4-8 points as Worley isn't good enough to outgun Murray.
S Carolina will be the 2nd most well rounded team but that bodes well for the Vols-don't have to play amazing offense or defense just a sound play all the way around.
Alabama a 2 score loss.
Win out and with 3 losses, goes to the Cotton bowl or wherever and wins.

It's actually fun comparing dream season picks lol.
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Hey OP I like the way you think and there is no doubt that this season will an improvement over the past several. I'm just ready for 6pm Saturday to see the Butch Jones Era begin on the field at UT.
8-4 is absolute tops for this season. If we win more than that, well, just prepare for the apocalypse. I'm probably a negavol or whatever, but pretend is good wholesome fun. This kind of delusion should be taken to your nearest mental health professional.
As funny as some things work, if we do upset fl or uga , it would come from a palardy game winner. Palardy would go from complete zero to hero in a matter of 6 seconds
8-4 is absolute tops for this season. If we win more than that, well, just prepare for the apocalypse. I'm probably a negavol or whatever, but pretend is good wholesome fun. This kind of delusion should be taken to your nearest mental health professional.

If you look at most teams above 10 wins , odds are one or two of the wins came from the ball bouncing thier way on a certain play or getting a crazy call in thier favor. For how many years has the ball bounced in favor of our opponents? We are due some lucky bounces IMO. Not sayin we will win x amount of games , but we def are due for some lucky bounces

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