Lets Settle Something Now

Its called gameplanning. UT didn't play well on defense but Hackney made them pay and look worse.

The man deserves UT player and Fans respect. Right now there is not a better QB in the SEC including Leak
Originally posted by utvol0427@Sep 4, 2005 3:38 PM
So, just wondering when we are gonna change this website to www.hackneynation.com?  I love the vols, but if I think one of their players deserves praise then I will be the first person to give it to them... I absolutely despise Chris Leak but I think he is a great QB.  He is not going to put up the numbers this year in that offense, but he is a very smart and skilled QB...I just do not think that Hackney deserves the praise that he is getting on here...Do u all think that Shane Boyd or Jay Cutler will be great NFL QBs since we almost lost to them last year?...From the sounds of this all someone has to do is be a QB for a team that almost upsets someone and they are set for a great NFL career.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses

OH PLEASE! Chris Leak is the most overrated player in college football...Chris Leak SUCKS! He is afraid to take a hit...The Miami game last year proved that...If you hit him once you're in his head for the rest of the game and he throws the ball away and makes mistakes....Hackney is good, better than Chris Leak, he just don't have the talent around him to make him look good....Leak does....That's the difference in being UAB and Florida....I'd take Hackney over Leak any day...You can say we're giving Hackney too much credit but he played damn good yesterday and deserves all the praise he's getting...You say Leak is smart and skilled...Really? How is that? Because to my knowledge last year, In the Peach Bowl he threw about 4 INT's and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn on Christmas Eve if he wanted to...Chris Leak is the most overrated player in the NCAA
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Sep 4, 2005 2:31 PM
Does he have to actually COST us a game before you agree he isn't as good as some people here want to pretend he is? 

He's good, and he's MUCH better than he played yesterday, but it isn't Fulmer's fault.  He wasn't exactly "rolling" when Clausen came into the game.  He stalled out on the first drive and was given the ball inside the 40 on the second drive.  The TD pass was more EXCELLENT catch than it was great throw. 

Get off his jock already.  Admit he sucked plain and simple.

Clausen out performed Ain't, excuse me Ainge, in spring and fall practice and showed yesterday he should be our starter in the Swamp. No more questions here.
It is a shame to find out that UT fans don't know as much about football as I thought...If u ask any person involved around football(coaches, analyst, players, or intelligent fans) they will tell u that Leak is a better QB...Anyway I am tired of arguing about with people who don't know what they are talking about.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses
Originally posted by milohimself@Sep 4, 2005 2:23 PM
I think Fulmer taking him out like that made him lose momentum.

Puh-leeze. Momentum has nothing to do with throwing a ball right into the arms of a receiver from the other team who was out there ALL BY HIMSELF. Milo, I understand your "hometown hero" feelings and I like Ainge as much as anybody, but he was pitiful yesterday, pure and simple. Does that mean he will be pitiful tomorrow? No. But only God is perfect. THAT'S why we have backup quarterbacks to begin with.
1. Hackney is good and big, but not great.....he took advantage of what we gave him, nothing more......so let's get our heads out of his ass.

2. I've been wondering when we are changing this board to RickClausen.com, I'm so sick of his crap. He did a decent job last year after AINGE was INJURED. Ainge is the starter. Florida, Bama, Ole Miss and UGA all went down in flames because Ainge was cool under pressure. Ainge makes mistakes, but it's because he's young, he makes up for it w/ big plays when it counts. It seems to me that everyone excuses Clausen's mistakes, like costing us the ND game last year, but Ainge isn't allowed to make mistakes. Ricky boy only got to play because Ainge got hurt.

3. Chris Leak is not a great QB, but he is very solid and I don't think crowd noise bothers him at all on the road. He is much like Ainge in that he makes mistakes, but makes big plays that often overshadow the bad ones. Leak is definitely horrible, though, at avoiding the rush, throwing on the run, and taking a hit. If you hit the guy, he will have a bad day. He is somewhat held back by the fact that his first 2 years were under Ron Zook, something I don't think he'll ever shake off.
Originally posted by Jmxvol@Sep 5, 2005 12:09 AM
1. Hackney is good and big, but not great.....he took advantage of what we gave him, nothing more......so let's get our heads out of his ass.

2. I've been wondering when we are changing this board to RickClausen.com, I'm so sick of his crap. He did a decent job last year after AINGE was INJURED. Ainge is the starter. Florida, Bama, Ole Miss and UGA all went down in flames because Ainge was cool under pressure. Ainge makes mistakes, but it's because he's young, he makes up for it w/ big plays when it counts. It seems to me that everyone excuses Clausen's mistakes, like costing us the ND game last year, but Ainge isn't allowed to make mistakes. Ricky boy only got to play because Ainge got hurt.

3. Chris Leak is not a great QB, but he is very solid and I don't think crowd noise bothers him at all on the road. He is much like Ainge in that he makes mistakes, but makes big plays that often overshadow the bad ones. Leak is definitely horrible, though, at avoiding the rush, throwing on the run, and taking a hit. If you hit the guy, he will have a bad day. He is somewhat held back by the fact that his first 2 years were under Ron Zook, something I don't think he'll ever shake off.

Finally someone on this website with more than half a brain.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses
Originally posted by utvol0427@Sep 4, 2005 10:52 PM
It is a shame to find out that UT fans don't know as much about football as I thought...If u ask any person involved around football(coaches, analyst, players, or intelligent fans) they will tell u that Leak is a better QB...Anyway I am tired of arguing about with people who don't know what they are talking about.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses

You can say I don't know what I'm talking about but I've seen him play long enough to know that he SUCKS! IF you knew what you were talking about and actually watched games you'd see the same thing.
Originally posted by utvol0427@Sep 4, 2005 11:13 PM
Finally someone on this website with more than half a brain.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses

So basically, what you're saying here is....If someone don't agree with what you have to say, they're idiots? IGNORANT! :no:
Originally posted by utvol0427@Sep 4, 2005 11:52 PM
It is a shame to find out that UT fans don't know as much about football as I thought...If u ask any person involved around football(coaches, analyst, players, or intelligent fans) they will tell u that Leak is a better QB...Anyway I am tired of arguing about with people who don't know what they are talking about.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses

Those coaches probably don't have coaching jobs and can't get them. Any fool who has seen both know Hackney is the better QB
Wow. Calling people names and saying God Bless all in the same post.

Careful, Beltway. Sports and religion are not a very good mix.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Sep 5, 2005 12:03 AM
That's not very fair and ballanced.


This ain't Fox News, hun.

I deleted it in hopes of getting back on topic. Guess I failed.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Sep 5, 2005 12:14 AM
I deleted it in hopes of getting back on topic. Guess I failed.

What else is new??

:lol: :wink2: :lol:
Yup. Sorry.


OK OK Back on topic which was........

Hackney is good. Better than most. Better than pretty much all the starting SEC QB's in some's opinions.

Carry On.
It's because of these people that some posts get deleted. I challenge all of you to gain a sense of humor and maybe some thicker skin.
Let's all hug and make up...I think Hackney is overrated and u all think he is good...Lets take our focus off of each other and put it on the gators...Let's kick some gator @$$.

God Bless and Go Vols
Run to the Roses
Hackney is a top tier QB. He has a cannon for an arm, is very accurate and is almost impossible to tackle. The guy threw for 3000 and 27 last year for God's sake. It amazes me at times how some fans seem to know almost nothing about CFB outside of UT or the SEC....if it ain't orange it ain't no good. He sure played a lot better than anything we had on the roster saturday, and I wonder how many of the Hackney bashers here have actually seen him play before saturday? I bleed orange, but let's give credit where it is due for once!

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