What are you talking about?? The fact that whenever the government acts, the person whose ox is gored notes that the exact words necessary to say its ok to do that are not in the 230 year old document and so therefore it isn't allowed. Idiocy. The whole point of the Constitution is to protect the people and limit government's role in their everyday lives. Again, only an uneducated fool would contend that the exact words "and shall make policy on health insurance" have to be in there to do it. What part of that is hard to understand?? Sadly, none of it in that it is all too common a dodge of the real issues. Happily, the people in charge don't have a third grade understanding of the government and public policy. I maybe forced to accept this change that I don't want, but don't think for a minute that the government knows what's best for me or anyone else in this country. I don't. But I am positive that the people making the bulk of the arguments for the right are making the worst logical arguments, albeit the ones that appeal the most to the lowest common denominator. ible and took care of business with their health issues, then we would be in this mess. They would rather buy their beer and cigarettes and fast food to make sure that they have some decent health insurance. So because of lazy ass people I am supposed to help pay for their insurance, and 12-25 million illegal aliens as well?? Wait. I thought we were all against allowing people to die because of death panels, right? If you think that's fair, then there maybe no hope for you. I'm getting ready to change my health insurance to have an HSA to take care of my health business better. And I as a small business owner am looking at the numbers and realize that in 5-10 years I won't be providing health insurance coverage at all for my employees, if I want to stay in busienss. Plus, what about all those rich folk that don't have insurance and pay cash for their issues?? Man, this plan is bad all around and there is no way for you to spin it to look better either. Only because you are incapable of seeing more than 2 years down the road. But I have faith that when an HSA is no longer an option and your employer offers no coverage, and you have a family member in need of government-sponsored coverage to survive, you may sing a different tune .