Lincoln Project Founder Facing Sexual Predator Allegations

thought most of their alleged campaign spending was on Senate seats. not so great outcome and a bunch of criminal slimeballs - I can see why you were on board.
Even worse. They were paid to deliver state house seats as well as federal house seats. They did neither. They had zero to do with Ga Senate.

The irrational sister is merely in the bargaining phase of reconciliation of her dumbass LP donation. LMFAO
Even worse. They were paid to deliver state house seats as well as federal house seats. They did neither. They had zero to do with Ga Senate.

The irrational sister is merely in the bargaining phase of reconciliation of her dumbass LP donation. LMFAO

Wonder what % of those donations went to creating generational wealth versus the actual race?
Wonder what % of those donations went to creating generational wealth versus the actual race?
That was an awesome line I read that.

Dear donor. I’d like to thank you for your donation. My son’s future trophy wife appreciates your contribution to her ass lift and boob job. For the (generational wealth) cause! 🤣
I wonder how many of our left wingers here swung for the sex offender/gay sex offender fences and struck out by voting for #PedoJoe and donating to the Lincoln project? Do yall feel a little gross inside where your " putrefactive democrat soul" used to reside? I would surmise many of you have a festering shame ready to burst with purulent shower of guilt.
I wonder how many of our left wingers here swung for the sex offender/gay sex offender fences and struck out by voting for #PedoJoe and donating to the Lincoln project? Do yall feel a little gross inside where your " putrefactive democrat soul" used to reside? I would surmise many of you have a festering shame ready to burst with purulent shower of guilt.
Anyone who sexually abuses someone should be buried under the prison. It’s funny watching people only care if the opposing party has sexual predators. 04E904A5-86A6-47EC-BBC5-9305EA4B6042.png
I wonder how many of our left wingers here swung for the sex offender/gay sex offender fences and struck out by voting for #PedoJoe and donating to the Lincoln project? Do yall feel a little gross inside where your " putrefactive democrat soul" used to reside? I would surmise many of you have a festering shame ready to burst with purulent shower of guilt.
They do not feel gross, because it is mainstream leftist policy to consider child attraction a sexual orientation.

They're all on board with it across the uniparty.
Anyone who sexually abuses someone should be buried under the prison. It’s funny watching people only care if the opposing party has sexual predators. View attachment 352534
All Alleged.

#PedoJoe admitted to doing it... on camera, to black children, at a segregated pool, during Jim Crow. It must have been his Pedo Magic Kingdom.

But if it comes down to picking the least rapey person I think Im going with the person not trying to f##k small children.
Lincoln Project’s Executive Director Filed for Bankruptcy as He Joined Group

Fred Wellman, whose previous workplace was described as 'definition of a toxic work environment,' tasked with getting 'house in order' at scandal-plagued PAC

In January, the political consultant Fred Wellman parachuted in to save the scandal-plagued Lincoln Project, taking over as executive director. He had filed for bankruptcy just five months earlier, citing hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid liabilities, according to records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

A longtime associate of Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt, Wellman joined the Lincoln Project in July 2020 as a senior adviser for veterans affairs and was promoted to executive director earlier this year. The same month that he joined the multimillion-dollar super PAC, Wellman declared more than $715,129 in debts and $53,418 in declared assets, bankruptcy documents show.

Lincoln Project's Executive Director Filed for Bankruptcy as He Joined Group - Washington Free Beacon
New Lincoln Project Ad Names "Most Dangerous Man in America," and Amazingly It's Not John Weaver


How do you know that the remaining “consultants” at the Lincoln Project have some bills coming due?

They start yet another completely tone-deaf ad campaign targeting someone liberals love to hate. This time, it’s Rupert Murdoch, the only immigrant they don’t like. According to the grifters who coddle at least one pedophile, it’s not people like John Weaver, but someone like Fox News Channel founder Murdoch who’s the most dangerous man in America.

In the wake of a sexual harassment scandal surrounding one of its co-founders, conservative PAC The Lincoln Project has been the subject of a recent barrage of bad press; see, for instance, “The Lincoln Project’s spectacular downfall: A timeline,” from Fox News. Now TLP is punching back—at not only Fox News, but the man behind it: Rupert Murdoch.​
New Lincoln Project Ad Names "Most Dangerous Man in America," and Amazingly It's Not John Weaver
Nolte: Disgraced Lincoln Project Targets Children


The Lincoln Project, the same disgraced organization that shielded a credibly accused child predator for months, is now looking to target your children through something called The Franklin Project.

The far-left Axios reports the news and does so in that hilarious way only the corporate media can: by pretending it has a “scoop” when it’s basically rewriting a press release sent to them first. This is stenography, not journalism. Here’s a taste [emphasis original]:
Nowhere in Vox’s — sorry, Axios’s lengthy press release write up is it mentioned that John Weaver, one of the Lincoln Project’s co-founders, has been credibly accused of grooming underage boys for sex, one as young as 14.

Of that appalling scandal, all the far-left Axios tells its readers is this lie:

  • [Lincoln Project] faltered earlier this year when John Weaver, one of its co-founders, was accused of soliciting sex from men who had sought to work with the Lincoln Project and his other political ventures.
Nope. Not just “men,” you godless liars.

As you can see, the far-left Axios wants everyone to forget about the 14-year-old, and that’s because the establishment looks out for one another, even if the well-being of children is put at risk. John Weaver’s alleged behavior has been known throughout the establishment for decades and he was still allowed to retain his position and reputation. As we saw with notorious sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, you can do whatever you want to children with full knowledge of the political and media establishment as long as you are useful to the establishment.

Nolte: Disgraced Lincoln Project Targets Children
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I haven't read through all of this yet, so I'm not going to pass judgement. But I am going to ask a question:

How is it so friggin hard for people in power or influence to keep their pants zipped? damn.
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I haven't read through all of this yet, so I'm not going to pass judgement. But I am going to ask a question:

How is it so friggin hard for people in power or influence to keep their pants zipped? damn.
Apparently it’s damned impossible.
I haven't read through all of this yet, so I'm not going to pass judgement. But I am going to ask a question:

How is it so friggin hard for people in power or influence to keep their pants zipped? damn.
No pun intended, but apparently it’s harder than applying the same standard of outrage whether you agree with them or not.
Generational Wealth: Lincoln Project Executive Director Hires Son (Just Like Trump)

The Lincoln Project, a left-wing super PAC that ran numerous ads criticizing former president Donald Trump for hiring his children, is dabbling in nepotism, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The Lincoln Project's most recent financial disclosure reveals that Hunter Wellman, son of executive director Fred Wellman, is on the organization's payroll and earning roughly $60,000 per year. The younger Wellman does not appear to have any previous political experience. He has never been paid by a campaign that files with the FEC before joining his father at the Lincoln Project.

The nepotism is in keeping with Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt's desire to turn the super PAC into a vehicle for "generational wealth."

The Wellman family could certainly use the money. As the Free Beacon reported, Fred Wellman filed for bankruptcy five months before joining the Lincoln Project as executive director in January 2021. Records show Wellman is a paid a salary of at least $165,000 annually and received $50,000 for "administrative services" within months of accepting the job. During that same period, Hunter Wellman was paid $13,000 for "fundraising consulting."

Generational Wealth: Lincoln Project Executive Director Hires Son (Just Like Trump) - Washington Free Beacon
Operative From ‘Republican’ Lincoln Project Now Working for George Soros

‘Non-partisan’ media firm funded by Dem billionaires


The Lincoln Project's national press secretary, RC Di Mezzo, is leaving the scandal plagued super PAC for a new gig as communications director for Good Information Inc., a for-profit investment firm that aims to counter media "disinformation." The firm, launched in October 2021, is backed by George Soros and other left-wing billionaires, including LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and Apple widow Laurene Powell Jobs.

Good Information Inc. is the brainchild of Tara McGowan, a veteran Democratic operative who has spent the last several years funneling millions of dollars from Democratic megadonors into a complex web of dark money groups with the goal of influencing elections while skirting federal transparency requirements. Reports announcing the group's formation noted that McGowan planned to raise $65 million for the venture in an effort "to counter the right's disinformation machine."

Operative From 'Republican' Lincoln Project Now Working for George Soros - Washington Free Beacon
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Operative From ‘Republican’ Lincoln Project Now Working for George Soros

‘Non-partisan’ media firm funded by Dem billionaires


The Lincoln Project's national press secretary, RC Di Mezzo, is leaving the scandal plagued super PAC for a new gig as communications director for Good Information Inc., a for-profit investment firm that aims to counter media "disinformation." The firm, launched in October 2021, is backed by George Soros and other left-wing billionaires, including LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and Apple widow Laurene Powell Jobs.

Good Information Inc. is the brainchild of Tara McGowan, a veteran Democratic operative who has spent the last several years funneling millions of dollars from Democratic megadonors into a complex web of dark money groups with the goal of influencing elections while skirting federal transparency requirements. Reports announcing the group's formation noted that McGowan planned to raise $65 million for the venture in an effort "to counter the right's disinformation machine."

Operative From 'Republican' Lincoln Project Now Working for George Soros - Washington Free Beacon
I like the phrase "now working for George Soros"... the Lincoln Project is likely to be a Soros operation. So they are not really changing allegiances or sides after all.
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Popcorn Time: Ex-Lincoln Project Co-Founder Drops Accusations

The Lincoln Project and all those who have been associated with it are always a font of hysterical drama. They sought to take down President Donald Trump–and took themselves down with their actions.

So, we knew something was afoot when the Lincoln Project made this post about their co-founder and former associate, Steve Schmidt.

Schmidt resigned from the organization in February 2021, after the news broke about the sexual allegation against another co-founder, John Weaver, and after reports about a house he bought in Utah. The Lincoln Project’s post says he hasn’t been associated with the organization since November 2021. That’s an interesting discrepancy.

The group’s post of course made one wonder what Schmidt said that the Lincoln Project wants to run away from.

Turns out Schmidt has been tweeting some accusations.

Some of those comments concern the Lincoln Project, as well as New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. Gotta love it when the Never Trump folks implode and fire at each other. At this point, with folks who were connected to the Lincoln Project, that’s a continuing implosion. So sit back, grab the popcorn, and watch them figuratively shoot each other.
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