I will say that I'm a bit surprised (pleasantly) to hear Obama come out so clearly in support of Israel. I guess losing both the Catholic and Jewish vote looked to be too much.
I will say that I'm a bit surprised (pleasantly) to hear Obama come out so clearly in support of Israel. I guess losing both the Catholic and Jewish vote looked to be too much.
You don't think he's serious about intervening in the Middle East? Look at his track record.
You don't think he's serious about intervening in the Middle East? Look at his track record.
I don't. Not yet. I think there's a difference to supporting an uprising and going to war (troops on the ground). Intervening with Iran is not a smart option right now. I do think we will go if they start attempting to pursue a weapon as opposed to gaining capability and BHO has time to do sufficiant polling.
Enlighhten me please. Syria was a "low down side move". Every thing else he has "done" in the ME is just continuation. This is a HUGE move that I do not believe he has the balls to pull off. He says that he is 100% behind Israel when he is in from of a group of them. Then says he wants sanctions only to another group that wants it that way. That is my point.
Netenyahu is a sack of crap. He's not much better than some of the leaders of the countries we speak out against, he just happens to be pro-west. We need to stay out of the middle east and let them settle their own issues. No more interventions.