1. The next time someone says Mayo won't play defense, tell them to talk to Derrick Rose. He flat locked him up.
2. Not a very good offensive game by either side. However, the defense had something to do with it.
3. Got a chance to talk at some length with Danny Ainge walking out of the Garden. Extremely gracious guy. He spoke highly of Tennessee fans.
4. The scouts were unanimous on one topic. Texas is the best team they've all seen so far.
5. I hope Tim is recruiting under the assumption that this will be Davon Jefferson's only year in college.
6. Memphis will see a whole bunch of teams try to borrow the hybrid defense used tonight. It certainly kept them from getting to the rim as much as they are accustomed.
7. Also, the scouts didn't come out of the second game terribly impressed with either team. "Sloppy" seemed to be the consensus.
8. Bizarre pairing at the Garden on Valentine's Night: Matchbox 20 and Alanis Morrisette.
9. I'll be interested to see how many people show up for the Roy Jones-Felix Trinidad fight.
10. Again, I ask the question: What benefit does UT derive from playing at UTC?