Liz Cheney D- Wyoming

The northwest has become a hotbed of extremists, both left and right. They feed of each other while the citizenry there suffers.

It's not really anything new here, we had Rajneeshpuram in the 1980s, we've had Clive Bundy and the armed take over of public lands in 2014. Plus, we had the right wing fascist Proud Boys vs the anti fascist Antifa people. All the while people in other parts of the country refer to Oregonians as leftists. It's sort of sad and funny at the same time.

Seriously, we've got a large chunk of ground called Oregon with not a lot of people, so there's plenty of room for radical right and left groups to develop independently and that can lead to problems. Oregon's about the size of New York and Penn combined with only 4 million people.
So you don't deny the Nazi's party of choice is the Republican party. How does that make you feel?

No, I don’t think it’s their party of choice. I think some of them chose to support Trump in 2016 and the media/left jumped on it because they saw an opportunity to push a perverted false narrative. Does not mean they hold any significant influence in the GOP, because they don’t. I see the point I was making went over your head. How does that make you feel? You should worry more about the Marxist Antifa and BLM hitching their wagon to the Dems…that welcome them with open arms.
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No, I don’t think it’s their party of choice. I think some of them chose to support Trump in 2016 and the media/left jumped on it because they saw an opportunity to push a perverted false narrative. Does not mean they hold any significant influence in the GOP, because they don’t. I see the point I was making went over your head. How does that make you feel? You should worry more about the Marxist Antifa and BLM hitching their wagon to the Dems…that welcome them with open arms.
You can’t get 81M votes without welcoming everybody
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