I really don't understand why they haven't showed him in that suit yet. Hell ....we haven't seen a lot of the costumes that the Xmen are suppose to wear.
I'm sure the movie will be very good, my problem is it's just too little too late. This franchise is somewhere between dying and dead.
The MCU and the train wreck that is the DCEU have taken everyone's attention now. No one cares anymore about Logan/Xavier/multiple timelines.
Well I disagree, I actually thought overall that Apocalypse was a better film than Civil War.
I was very disappointed with the Civil War fight scenes in what looked like an abandoned airport.
I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
Hate it for you and your son and respect how you are choosing to raise him. With a son who is about to turn one in just a couple of days, it's something I already think about how I'll handle down the road.
However, just because it was based on a comic book does not mean it was meant for a kid. Are you familiar at all with the comic series that this version of Wolverine is based on? Except for the fact that it's illustrated like another comic might be, there is nothing kid friendly about it. This is basically some X-Men/comic characters you know dropped in the world of McCarthy's The Road. I mean, there's a hillbilly gang of kids comprised of the grandchildren from an incestuous relationship between Hulk and his cousin. The movie didn't keep the same story lines as the comic but they still wanted that to be the world it was set in.
I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.