I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
They'll ratchet it down for FX. Still gonna hear s*** among others. As a comic book nerd in my childhood, the source material is a lot rawer. And you're misstating the target audience. Kids drag their parents back for repeat viewings but these films are made for lifelong fans that skew adult. There should be an acceptable animated version soon. :hi:
I don't know... I tend to agree that X-Men should stay in the PG-13 range. These are age old characters that IMO should be accessible to younger audiences.
I'm not sure what makes THIS movie warrant an R rating since I haven't seen it yet. We've had 7 PG-13 movies with Wolverine playing a significant role. Not once did I feel like the quality of the movie depended on how much blood, swearing, or nudity was shown. X3 and Origins stunk because they were crappy scripts. No amount of severed limbs or F-Bombs would change that (maybe some gratuitous nudity would've helped a little 😝
Having said that I do get that there is a large group of Wolverine fans that wanted to see him at his most violent. Personally I don't think that is what defines the character but whatever, I can live with it for a movie.
So anyone not raising their kids exactly like you are doing it the wrong way? Lol...smdh.
I didn't take a thinly veiled shot at the way others raise their kids, and believe it or not, there are still many people who choose to raise theirs old school like we do. I meant no insult towards anyone.
The beauty of the USA is that you can choose to raise yours how you see fit, and I can raise mine how I think is right, and we are both free to do that without much interference. Unfortunately though, as the nuclear family has broken down in our society, more and more people don't give a dang about their kids and they end up in prison after damaging innocent lives. Look up the statistics for inmates versus fatherless homes etc.
I wish you the best of luck with your kids and hope they have happy, fruitful, productive lives. I will do my best to make sure my kids serve the Lord and are a blessing to the community, helping others along the way.
Interesting take coming here trashing a great movie from a "moral high ground" with you being thirsty in the WWE thread a while back
I have taken my son to see every x-men movie...cant take him to see this one because it has 45 Fbombs, 45 other 4 letter words, and tits bare naked. Great way to ruin a good father and son time by adding stuff to the movie that is completely unnecessary for plot or character development.
You guys can call me a prude if you want, I have raised my kids the right way and stand by it. We don't swear, drink or drug, and we don't watch R rated programs in my home. So something that we were really looking forward to is not going to happen. Life goes on, we will find something else to do. Movies based on comic books, which are meant for kids, shouldn't be rated R. Ridiculous.
Just saw it and excellent! What every Wolverine movie had been missing...grit and rawness. The guy's an animal in huge percentages and most of this film captured that aspect. Missed the boob shot, so I guess it was extraneous and was expecting a Tarantino display with all the complaints about cussing...didn't see or hear anything that justified a R rating...to be honest. Remember watching Sixteen Candles in the theatre at 14 and thinking I got away with something due to the boob scene in the shower and the sex talk...think that was PG.
I finally caught a matinee today.
Logan - 4.5/5
I'm not giving this a 5-star rating for one simple reason.
In all likelihood is his last go as Logan we didn't get to see Jackman in the famous blue & yellow Wolverine outfit.
Would have been nice to have seen like a flashback memory or something? News report? I know it was probably implied that he did at some point based on the comic book and action figure of him.