I disagree. Buffet bought IBM once he thought is was advantageous to do so just like he's done many times before and why he's a self-made billionaire. I'm not really sure why his biggest holding is Wells Fargo but I have a big holding in that to just because he does. Same with DaVita, must be something there. I don't usually question genius once I've found it I just try to get a seat on the train.
Now, back to your stance on losing just so Martin will be fired. That's a slippery slope normally navigated by fairweather fans. You'll want the same for the next guy if he..A)wasn't the guy you wanted in the first place..or...B)Does'nt do what 'you think he should've done' in 2-3 years. Of course, we'll never hear a solution from you because you don't have one. But, we'll hear a lot of background noise wont we?