Loser teachers

Please merge if there’s somewhere else this should be.

Saw this oped and thought it was also worth discussion. Looks like ‘lil Donnie did actually use the words “loser teachers.” But does contest actually matter? Let just the headline??

Opinion: Teachers aren't losers. They're lifesavers

Glad she chose a different path, we have enough losers trying to indoctrinate our kids.
My point is that he was calling teachers who try to push a political view on students “losers.” That’s a pretty fair statement as I would imagine that there would be intolerance as well for a far right winged teacher pushing their ideology as well
This is an example of how Don Jr. is just as inarticulate and crass as his father. There is a valid point to be made about the inappropriateness of educators who choose to impose their personal ideology on their students, but that valid point is lost when he resorts to his father's tactic of painting with a broad brush and employing childish name-calling. Once Don Jr. has completed his statement, it's easy to forget his entire point and then only focus on his reference to "loser teachers". This coarse rhetoric makes it easy for critics to dismiss him, even though he is right. That is not the way a thoughtful person addresses a serious topic.
Thankfully I only had to take three classes in my school of education building. Only useful one was Ed Psych, led by a veteran old head who drove a bus for the local district. Was real conservative too if I recall, hated the district calling for more bonds. Other two were mostly wastes of time save learning how to file paperwork for kids with a disability.

Rest of them were in the music building…got more use out of those. Especially the two golden rules of keeping your job - don’t touch the kids (I don’t even accept hugs), and don’t let one person handle all the money.
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This doesn’t change your overall point but, being fair, their job doesn’t stop at 2:30.
I posted some stuff in another thread about a month ago arguing that teachers don't work as many days as the typical employ who gets vacation time, but its much closer than you think. And you're right, a lot of them are working several hours at school or home after school lets out.
I remember during covid when schools shut down and everyone was up in arms and outraged the kids were missing school....now those same people hate teachers.
Well, they were needlessly shut down and people were still trying to maintain a full time job in addition to teaching their kids.

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