Loser teachers

such a useless statement. When someone is already working 40-50hrs just to keep their job during a ridiculous shutdown they don't have time to be a full time teacher or proctor as well

There was no need to shut schools down yet teachers were leading that charge. Wonder why
Cause they are losers?

Ok that was rude of me. Some teachers are worth their weight in gold, others… meh. They had some legit fears about spreading covid to each other but not from the children.
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But do you know for a fact they weren’t grading papers at home? Again, I’m not disagreeing with your overall point but, like any job, there are aspects you don’t see.
Let’s just say that my wife could see their Facebook activity. So I feel pretty good with the accuracy of my point.
I remember during covid when schools shut down and everyone was up in arms and outraged the kids were missing school....now those same people hate teachers.
It’s not teachers in general…. Specifically. It’s the liberal indoctrinating puke teachers.
We all know there are a lot of good teachers out there at all grade levels, be we all should also know there’s some weird asses that have no business being around children.
When I graduated and was looking for a job, I worked at times (between jobs) as a Substitute Teacher in the school system.

I did not see the mass indoctrination that is talked about by conservatives (I do think it exists at University level but that is another topic).

However, I was more startled by what was NOT being taught versus what was being taught.
History is on the backburner in the public school system and when it is taught, a lot is being left out from a context perspective.

Another issue is that teachers keep losing a lot of power and their wages haven't moved up to match inflation. I think this is intentional because politicians always wait until the very end to try to increase teachers salaries so they can use teachers (as well as first responders) to push through tax increases by claiming they don't have enough money. Meanwhile, they are hiring administrators to manage over these teachers and paying them 2x to 3x the salary of the teacher.

Look up how much of your tax dollars goes to Education (it is paid via your County if in Tennessee and is generally 70-75% of your county's budget). Throwing money at Education is NOT fixing the problem.
I think what most argue is that not teaching parts of history and/or selectively spinning other parts is part of the mass indoctrination.
Please merge if there’s somewhere else this should be.

Saw this oped and thought it was also worth discussion. Looks like ‘lil Donnie did actually use the words “loser teachers.” But does contest actually matter? Let just the headline??

Opinion: Teachers aren't losers. They're lifesavers

I am not a Democrat, but I am going to vote Democratic. One reason for that is to take teachers down off the Republican whipping post and restore to them the respect that they deserve.
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The parent claims to know what happened in a "secret" counseling session. He did not attend the session, so how does he know what was said? He appears to be blaming the school for all of his child's problems that he claims did not exist until the school created them. Why did he not know about his child's problems serious enough for two suicide attempts? Bottom line is that we do not know what happened. What is the other side of the story, and what is the actual truth? I don't know. If the parent is right, then that is a serious issue, but that is a big "if."
The parent claims to know what happened in a "secret" counseling session. He did not attend the session, so how does he know what was said? He appears to be blaming the school for all of his child's problems that he claims did not exist until the school created them. Why did he not know about his child's problems serious enough for two suicide attempts? Bottom line is that we do not know what happened. What is the other side of the story, and what is the actual truth? I don't know. If the parent is right, then that is a serious issue, but that is a big "if."
Keep your head in the sand if you wish
Body cams are silly. There’s already a camera in every classroom on the computers, if a state really wanted to watch their classrooms they likely could without breaking the bank. I wish there was a visible camera in mine, it tends to ward off kids doing stupid ****.
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such a useless statement. When someone is already working 40-50hrs just to keep their job during a ridiculous shutdown they don't have time to be a full time teacher or proctor as well

There was no need to shut schools down yet teachers were leading that charge. Wonder why
What teachers? A few Yankee weirdos that the news covered? My wife has been in education and administration for the better part of 30 years and the vast majority of people in the school system thought it was a terrible idea (once we got a better understanding of Covid).

No teacher worth their salt thinks a 6th grader can learn anything online.
But do you know for a fact they weren’t grading papers at home? Again, I’m not disagreeing with your overall point but, like any job, there are aspects you don’t see.

For my wife it was roughly 20-30 hours per week of outside grading, but she was in the minority for sure.

In 25 years of being married to an educator, one of the biggest impacts I've seen in education was the elimination of teacher's assistants.
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The parent claims to know what happened in a "secret" counseling session. He did not attend the session, so how does he know what was said? He appears to be blaming the school for all of his child's problems that he claims did not exist until the school created them. Why did he not know about his child's problems serious enough for two suicide attempts? Bottom line is that we do not know what happened. What is the other side of the story, and what is the actual truth? I don't know. If the parent is right, then that is a serious issue, but that is a big "if."

Then there is no "big if"; the child attempted suicide by hanging herself in a school bathroom twice on consecutive days. The parents were not notified - immediately - of the first attempt but only after the second; full ***** stop, right there.

Wendell Perez said on Jan. 5, 2022, the school counselor called him and his wife and told them to come to the school immediately.

"The school counselor alleged that it [suicide attempts] was because of a gender identity issue, and that they knew we as parents would not be in agreement because of our Catholic Christian beliefs. My daughter never exhibited any signs of gender confusion or questioning her biological sex," he said.

"I asked why my daughter had tried to commit suicide. She [the counselor] said because of her identity issues. I asked what those were and she said, 'well, you know, she wants to be called this, and she wants these pronouns,' and she said, 'because she knows that you guys are not going to accept her because of your religious beliefs,'" Maria Perez said.

The Perezes said the counselor didn't tell them about the meetings with their daughter about gender identity confusion until after the suicide attempts. They said the meetings had been going on for a few months.
Wendell Perez said administrators told them confidentiality issues prevented them from telling the Perezes about the meetings.
"The school counselor went so far as to encourage and call our daughter by a fictitious male name and male pronouns in front of the other students, causing a pattern of bullying against our daughter," Wendell Perez said.

Their daughter was taken to the hospital and admitted to the behavioral health unit where she stayed until Jan. 12.

Lawsuit claims Clay County Schools withheld information about child’s well-being before student attempted suicide | firstcoastnews.com

By now, I've read dozens of these cases occurring in school districts nationally. The basis is the school school district conferring an autonomous right upon the child of confidentiality regarding their dysphoria, and that it be kept from parents if the child indicates that preference. School systems are literally, without consulting parents and void of psychological expertise, indulging and encouraging the adoption of alternate genders and pronouns with the school being the grounds for their double life. In complete secrecy from parents.

But you go "vote Democrat", you non-Democrat, and "take teachers down off the Republican whipping post and restore to them the respect that they deserve." May karma find you on this issue, then you'll get it.

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